Show the beauty

March 21, 2018 Wednesday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Wed Mar 21, 2018 at 11:45 AM

Re: Tuesday pre-snow
I am emotionally drained from our active shooter drill! Right on the heals of yesterday’s shooting!  What is wrong with us as a society!  Wish I could teach abroad!
We most likely will have Thursday off or delay.  I vote for delay – I’ll still miss classes, but the trainees will have lunch, just not breakfast so I bought animal crackers and tea/hot chocolate so they can have something to start the day I know they will eat.
I loved your pictures and we need good tumblr sites that show the beauty of, well, you!
Hopefully I’ll be more chatty after I process my day and write later!  But pictures always make my day better!
Take care with kisses and safe hugs,

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Wed Mar 21, 2018 at 12:44 PM
Re: Tuesday pre-snow
Hiya T!
Oh dear man… I wish I was there to hug you and listen to you process these ragged emotions!  I hope the drills make you safer somehow and ward off trouble like carrying an umbrella to keep the rain away.  These shootings are so troubling!  They bother me and I am much more removed from them, though still on the edge of it in an area with students rolling all around me.  I hope Saturday’s March for Our Lives will empower even more people to activism and bring change.  The Parkland students were at Harvard last night at the JFK Forum and got good coverage in the Boston Globe. 
Looks like you might get less snow and it will get over earlier, so your hopes for just a delay may come to fruition.  I will figure out tomorrow in the morning.  
Thank you for encouraging me about the naughty photos.  I have very mixed feelings about them but I gather they can be inspiring!  That makes me smile. I found my Sassy photos last night.  I have them collected in a folder on my computer, just need to explore where to put them on the cloud, so you don’t have them on the  computers, can look when it suits you.  
I am being productive at home.  I so wanted to go back to bed about 7 am but I got up earlier than usual and have been working right along since before 8 am!  Gonna take a break to shower and lunch!
Mwah!  A long kiss with my hands in your back pocket!  

Think about edging

March 20, 2018 Tuesday
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Tue Mar 20, 2018 at 12:27 PM

Re: Sassy photos

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Tue Mar 20, 2018 at 8:01 PM
Subject: Tuesday pre-snow
Hiya T!  How was your Tuesday?  Hope you had a good one.  
Work was wacky today!  I got to make a lot of catering arrangements for lunches, and a huge reception in April.  The first time I looked up, it was 2:15 pm!  Then I got to move a bunch of meetings due to the oncoming storm.  Whee!  
So you liked the photos eh?  
Is there going to be work tomorrow?  My employer will be open but the boss told us we can work from home, so that’s what I plan to do.  Might have extra time to play and think about edging your sexy cock over and over! 

You get it

March 18, 2018 Sunday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 11:34 AM
Subject: Sunday something
Hiya T!  So fun to get your late night note!  
How did all your cooking come out?  Hope it got eaten up so you don’t have to eat corned beef all week.  
Jersey boys!  Wow!  I bet that was a blast with all the music and movement.  
What’s up today?  I just made a big breakfast – ham & cheese omelettes, English muffins and OJ to start the day off right.  We’re having a quiet day at home, expecting a grocery delivery soon, hope to catch up on chores.  
I got into a very strange mood last night… went off the deep end into Japanese roped teens and… the less said about that the better, I bet!  Now I am back, thinking about what you said about oral.  Mmm…. If you don’t turn me into a mass of brainless goo, I will definitely return the favor!

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 12:11 PM
RE: Sunday something
My goal is to make you a mass of brainless goo! And please tell me more about those Japanese rope videos! I don’t really want to know, but my cock does! He likes to explore especially with beautiful women!

We didn’t have corned beef, that is for Irish Americans, I went to my Irish grandma’s cook book and made way too much so I will have leftovers!

I have to run but will continue this email in a bit!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone


From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 1:19 PM
RE: Sunday something
I’m back! I had made so many tasty dishes!  Reminded me of dinner when I was a wee lad!  It was a fun day of family and remembrance.

The play was great but not as good as it was years ago in Boston when it first toured after Broadway. You do have to understand how Jersey used to be to understand the actors. But they come from an age that doesn’t exist in Jersey anymore! Kind of that trashy mafia working class. All those high end manufacturing jobs no longer exist.

So what is your next project? I do want to work it out to see it since it is such a big part of your life! And talking about your life, are you still dealing well with your husband’s depression! I do think of the pressure it puts over your whole life!

Now for my cock’s part of the email! He thinks if you sit on the couch with your hips on the end and your legs propped up on the coffee table, I could have access to your beautiful, wet pussy! Then I could have a great angle to give you pleasure and include Gigi! You just have to communicate what does and doesn’t work for you! You give me so much pleasure, I really want to return the favor!

The one topic you did not touch upon was your tumblr. Do you not want me to bring it up? I just want to get a sense of your deep erotic desires and help you fulfill them. But if I am too much, just tell me.

I’m going to ask a delicate question, but I am not judging: is your visiting guest one of your lovers? Just want to know, not being possessive or in anyway trying to make you feel bad! 

I hope to hear back from you today at some point today early enough to write back!

Take care with kisses, hugs and groping your ass while making wild love with you,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 2:06 PM
Re: Sunday something
Hiya T!  
Oh this was a marvelous message!  I adore knowing about the food and the fun!  It is wonderful you can carry on the family traditions.  Heh.  
We have six projects in the pipeline and are about to add one for next year!  Here’s the list: 
[list of events redacted]

Hubby has been a strange mix of highly functional and social and severely depressed this week. I am rolling with it as usual. I compartmentalize a lot. 
I read over your oral theory several times and got progressively more revved up each time!  I am so ready to test out any theories and provide feedback before my brain shuts down! 
I am still working on my Tumblr to get it ready for prime time… hope to have more time soon.  I’m still not sure if I can share it – it’s not about me much, more about what men might like and a little of poses I might use in taking photos of me for them.  
You are welcome to ask me whatever!  The fellow appearing on Wednesday is not a lover.  We have never met or talked sexy.  He had a nice lady friend.  We have been emailing for about 7 years.  He writes 3-4 times a year. We settled on Legal Seafoods near the Park Plaza for dinner.  I am so excited to finally meet him!  
Please tell your cock I am thinking about treats for him.  I have hands and a mouth and a pussy for him to play in!  

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 3:49 PM
RE: Sunday something

So glad to receive your email! Hope you read mine in order! I was just curious about your gentleman caller, not trying to be possessive or jealous type! 

I also have to say I enjoyed the tumblr sites you sent me. You do have taste! I also have to admit, since you turned me on to tumblr, I have been intrigued by the whole concept! It’s too risky for me to have one that is erotic, so I am probably living the thrill of it all through you! I would love to help you with your pictures! You are sexy and classy as well as sassy! And tumblr needs more sites with beautiful women like you! You shouldn’t worry about your audience, men will like it (you), but your erotic imprint will make it alluring! You are very erotic and tasteful. I get hard just thinking about it!

Now that you woke the monster in my cock, have you ever experimented with bondage, or was the Japanese rope thing a passing fantasy? There is so much I would love to explore with you! But right now I am fixated on returning the incredible pleasure you give me! I had such an amazing afternoon with you! At night I often play and relive those precious moments in my mind, fantasize about making it better! Being inside you is just so natural, warm, right and a perfect fit! Your body is so sensual, soft, beautiful and sexy! I offer daydream about how you smell, taste and react to my touch. How you touch me and make me feel like a million dollars! Then how we talk and share afterwards! That is the way it is meant to be! Bad Sassy is also such a turn on! You have it all and I sometimes pinch myself to see if it is all a dream!

Now, when you compartmentalize your life, don’t do it to avoid the pain and hurt! You have to deal with it or it comes back at the worst of times! You know you have a friend with compassionate ears over here!

Well, I have to go now, my cock says to think of him when you play with Gigi!

Take care with kisses, hugs and passion,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 5:10 PM
Re: Sunday something
Hiya T!
You are welcome to be curious – I find it endearing and I get to tell a story!  
So glad you are enjoying the sexy Tumblr world.  So glad to give you thrills and plump up your cock!  It provides me with a lot of inspiration, teaches me things, and connects me to people.  
Here’s another one (click on little ones that interest you to make them larger):
It is sad that erotica is considered risky.  I find that alien, that you can’t have an account and be a sexual being (as long as it is not photos of you, or child porn).  
I have not experimented with bondage.  I’ve read about it and find it interesting but not something I want to do to a man or have done to me.  It crosses the lines of pain and giving up control.  
Oh my…your memories and plans made me swoon!  It is rather surreal how you get it, how compatible we seem, how helpful we can be to each other.  We do have a lot more exploring to do!  
Thank you ever so much for offering your ears and wisdom to help me cope with Hubby.  Never had that in an AM man!  There may be days I need it but today doesn’t seem like one of them. 
When I look at Tumblr, I think about whether you could do that, whether we could do that, and put you into the picture, so to speak.  I often start with Tumblr and then continue with my eyes closed and continue with us… mmm.  You are there!  

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 9:12 PM
RE: Sunday something

It’s always been risky to be sexy in any way and seems even more so these days.  I can so some things with a pseudonym but it seems a lot safer to have to have a small foot print in social media.

Now, as for bondage, it doesn’t have to include pain, but it’s the lack of control that turns people on. I don’t like to lose control and do not find pain sexy. But I’ve always said to each, their own. I did have a girl friend who liked to be loosely bound and teased, but it always made me uncomfortable. I always worried that if she ever ran into a bad person, she easily could be a victim. But Japanese ropes always interested me in an abstract way, or as an art form, but never a kink!

Yes, I feel you get it and what is truly important. You really are the only woman I have ever met on AM who gets it. Also, if we share intimacy, it must be deeper than the “wham, bam, thank you madam”. If I didn’t care enough about you to worry about you, then would we have real intimacy? 

Again, you are a one in a million girl!! So glad to have you back in my life!

Now, we have to meet again! This week is not good since my two youngins’ are home, but how about next week? We could get naked and just enjoy each other’s bodies until we are quivering heaps of steamy flesh, then have deep conversations! What do you think?

I’ll be checking my email tonight before bed, so feel free to write. Let me know what you would desire above all when we meet again?

Take care with kisses, hugs and cock kisses,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 18, 2018 at 10:02 PM
Re: Sunday something
Hiya T!  This has been such a good day, filled with your thoughts!  
Since I wrote last I’ve had a 3 hour nap and eaten chili dogs and Pringles!  The high life for me!  Ha ha…  
Thank you for your thoughts on bondage.  That makes so much sense!  I was controlled by men for all of my sexual life until I met my old flame, and none of it had to do with my pleasure, so I am particularly not interested in giving up control ever again.  I want to be an active participant!  
I talk with a dom online sometimes, and he taught me a lot – he is not into pain – it’s about submission to his will, and he is focused on giving pleasure, considers a woman’s orgasm his goal and a gift for his excellent programming of the activity. I can watch videos or read blogs now and understand that the people in them are enjoying it.  But it’s not for me.  
It must be so good to have your children home!  Do you get to do fun stuff with them?  Tell me more about them if you feel comfortable sharing.  
I would like to see you again soon!  The week after next looks possible.  I will ponder my top desire… so far you have proved a wonderful (what is the right word… hmmm) setter of the agenda… planner of play… that it is easy to follow right along and feel good! 

Sexy thang

March 17, 2018 Saturday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sat Mar 17, 2018 at 2:43 PM

Subject: Saturday sass
Happy St Patrick’s Day!  Hope you’re having fun wearing o’ the green and eating tasty things! 
I went off to brunch at 10 am at the Lone Star Taco Bar.  Nothing like guacamole in the morning!  My older sister and her beau were in fine form.  
It’s a quite day – putzing around online.  Friend is coming to town on business Wednesday and invited me to dinner!  Trying to figure out where to go in the theater district of Boston or thereabouts.  I hate having to pick one restaurant to show off the best of Boston!  He likes fine wines… that’s all I know!  Any ideas? 
I wonder if your cock is more Irish or Italian or neither… strange things that come to mind when I haven’t tasted him in a while!  Hugs with groping and ear nibbles! 

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sat Mar 17, 2018 at 11:33 PM

RE: Saturday sass
A quick hi!!!! Just got back from Jersey Boys in Worcester. Kids got us the tickets as a St. Pats day present! Kinda cool! 

I will write more tomorrow! I really wanted you to know that I do think of you over the weekend! You are my sexy thang!

Take care with kisses hugs and a long romp with orgasms all around,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Tongue groping

March 16, 2018 Friday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Fri Mar 16, 2018 at 2:13 PM

Subject: Friday fantasy
Hiya T!  Happy Friday!  Hope your weekend is starting well!  
I am back from a fancy lunch with a departing colleague!  She’s off to the University of Chicago!  A co-worker announced this week she is headed to UT Austin, so within 6 weeks we’ll go from 4 admin staff to 2.  Whee!  
The event came together so well last night!  One of the sound cables died Wednesday night during the final prep, so I spent 4-7 pm with Hubby racing into Boston to the Guitar Center in the Fenway to get a 100 ft cable, dodging rush hour to get back, picking up subs and eating on the run while the final set up happened!  It’s so fun to catch up with people.  We had an awesome crowd – 47 people!  That’s a lot for a Thursday event when parking is a matter of scrunching into a snow bank!   We have 60 chairs set up but could probably squeeze in another 20 people if we have that many people. 
Any fun plans for the weekend?  Not sure what I’ll end up doing.  I do know I’ll be thinking of you and wishing I could tell you a story while I touch you! 

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Fri Mar 16, 2018 at 2:29 PM
Subject: Friday fun
Sorry I did not write last night!  I did lament not being able to chat, so I directed all my time to prepping for work today.

I was thinking of your sexy body at the event and how lucky everyone who met you was.  How did it go? How many people were there?  How was it received?  I bet you were awesome and the most beautiful one there!  Let me know the details so I can live it all through you.  You have to share the long term dates so I can make one.  Do you have any pictures of the event to share?  I really am interested!

 I was thinking a lot about your tumbler page, and think that having one with erotic pictures of a mature, robust woman would be very sexy for those of us who love them.  Do you have any pictures yet?  I could help add a male perspective on the whole thing.  We will have to chat to talk about it.  But if I am overstepping boundaries, just tell me.  But I, with my cock, could give you a male perspective (but he is not into tulips as much as I am).

Tomorrow is my annual family St. Pats day feast.  I found a bunch of my grandma’s receipes from the old sod and I am making potato soup, mashed potatoes Calcanon (they have cabbage in them) and Guinness pie.  With lots of Irish beers and a special whiskey from the town of my patron saint.  Should be a great day to have my kids appreciate their past.

I don’t know what free time I will have to write before Sunday night, but will try and as always, I love your emails.  And if you are wondering, I have been hooked on videos of giving woman oral.  So the next time we meet, be ready!!!!!!

Take care with kisses, hugs and my tongue groping your pussy for hours (maybe with Gigi’s help),

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Fri Mar 16, 2018 at 7:50 PM

Hiya T!  
Ah…we did that thing again where you are writing to me while I am writing to you and I answered most the questions you asked!  Thank you for showing interest – that is one of the things that distinguishes the best men from the rest!  
Your St Patrick’s Day celebration sounds tasty!  Not as tasty as you are but most excellent!  It’s a non-holiday for me.  Believe it or not, I’ve never had corned beef and cabbage!  I definitely like Irish breakfast, thanks to the pubs near me.  I will nibble on you for any meal!  
Hubby is out at a reiki festival, so I have the evening to myself, so I’m going to commune with Gigi!  I am more than ready to see what you’ve learned about oral delighting.  
Take care – enjoy all the Irishness and pat your cock for me! 

In the dark

March 15, 2018 Thursday

From: Sasssy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Thu Mar 15, 2018 at 3:13 PM
Subject: Thursday things
Hiya Tim! 
Hope your Thursday is going well!  I am back in the office and have an unusual headache – feels like I have to squint to see and I might barf any moment.  *sigh But I am soldiering on!  I wanted to run screaming after my weekly meeting with my boss, but I resisted. Her priorities are… interesting.  
Think good thoughts for me as I head out to work on tonight’s event.  It’s always a wonderful mixture of all the plans coming together and bits of terror until they actually do!  I will spend my spare moments imagining you sitting next to me, holding my hand and smiling at me in the dark.  
Take care!  Mwah! 

Digging out

March 14, 2018 Wednesday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Wed Mar 14, 2018 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Wednesday whites
Good morning T!  Hope your Wednesday is going well.  I am home again today, being warm and lazy.  
I thinking of you, hoping the snow moving went well and the students are in a good mood after a day off.  
Hugs with kisses and a big rub for your sexy cock! 

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Wed Mar 14, 2018 at 9:08 PM
RE: Wednesday whites

Great to hear from you! 

Things have been crazy trying to get the momentum back at work! 

I was digging my car and driveway out last night for 3 hours! But I’m glad we had work since I know some of my students only eat at work. Sad to think they go hungry on snow days!

Good news, I will be free to chat tomorrow around 6. Will you be free? Emails are fun but limited! So much to talk about, both life and naughty! So what do you say? Won’t last until 3AM!

Take care with kisses and hugs and groping your breasts! We missed tits Tuesday,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Wed Mar 14, 2018 at 9:40 PM
Re: Wednesday whites
Hiya T!  
Awesome to hear that Yahoo email ping on my phone and know it’s you!  
My mind boggles at all the work you have to do with this snow!  
The whole thing with hungry people is so WRONG!  I’m tempted to give you a huge box of protein bars or something to tuck into their briefcases!  

There’s an awesome group in Arlington,  that helps pay for lunches at school and has meal programs during vacation and summer.  Don’t know if they can do much on snow days.  I saw some chatter on Facebook yesterday about NY passing a law to get schools to treat all kids the same about school meals, deal with the parents about debt etc. and trying to get that done here.  I wonder if there’s a way to do that at your office? 
I can’t chat Thursday night!  Argh!  I’m off to the project event to help.  I definitely want to talk, so keep an eye out for another time, please?  
Hubby is out with a friend tonight so I had a grand time with Gigi!  I was remembering a Monday with a nice man in a single bed!  Mmmm… 
Too bad there isn’t a day that starts with P… hee hee. 

Ready for oral

March 13, 2018 Tuesday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Tue Mar 13, 2018 at 2:08 PM
Subject: Tuesday snowbanks
Hiya T!  How goes?  Hope you are warm and safe. 
I am home watching it snow.  Whee. 
And thinking of you.  Yum.  I wish I could be snowed in with you.  

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Tue Mar 13, 2018 at 8:15 PM
RE: Tuesday snowbanks

Being snowed in with you would make this storm worth it! 

Had the day off so I decided to clean the house before kids college break! I was hoping to be able to rest tonight and catch up on my emails with you, but our butt-head boss is not closing tomorrow so I have to go dig out! She has her “plow guy” but us lowly common folk have to dig! Ok, enough venting!!

How are you doing! Enjoy your day home? Do you have to work from home or can you just relax? Must be fun when you work from home and get to call people while naked! If they only knew!

Watch anything interesting on the net, if you know what I mean! I watched videos of giving women oral on the couch for our next encounter! You up for that?!

Well I have to go snow blow! If I have any energy left, I’ll write again!

Take care with kisses and hugs during cunnilingus,

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Tue Mar 13, 2018 at 10:10 PM
Re: Tuesday snowbanks
Hiya T!  
What wild weather – it snowed on and on and on and is still going! Looks like we’ll end up with 20 inches!  There was no going anywhere.  I just got an email saying we do have work tomorrow. I could probably work from home if I wanted, but it’s so easy for me I will roll on in. 
There are probably a dozen projects I could’ve done today at home but I didn’t feel like it!  I slept late, kept Hubby and myself fed, kept up with work emails, and napped!  I just made chili with hot dogs and cheese for a late supper.
Hubby is doing okay today.  He had a rough day yesterday – ordered a keyboard tray for his desk and it turned out 4″ too long, got a $100 ticket for parking on the wrong side of the street during a snow emergency before the snow started, and generally felt like he’s stupid and the universe hates him, but I made it clear it’s all fixable, so we keep rolling along. 
I had fun following the Iditarod again today.  They are almost done!  
I did get a look at a few tumblrs and got Gigi out before my nap.  Remember to send me the p0rn you watch if it’s good.  I am ready for oral any time! 
Please take it easy out there.  

Stay young together

March 11, 2018 Sunday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 11, 2018 at 9:35 AM
Subject: Sunday smart
“An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young.” Oscar Wilde
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun Mar 11, 2018 at 8:54 PM
RE: Sunday smart
Got my cable and internet back! Not sure why my phone worked away from my house but not in it? But here I am!

Oscar Wilde was a brilliant man! Let’s stay young together! 

I know you wrote a ton and now I can’t remember one thing you wrote! Let’s see: your tumblr- be careful with pictures you post because they will always be out there, but that would be a beautiful section on your page! I would look at them before the tulips! I could help take those pictures! But if you don’t want me pestering you I won’t, but curiosity did kill the cat (and my cock!). I’m sure whatever you do will be great!

Glad work has been relaxed for you! My day will be crazy since there is a prediction of 6-8 inches for Tuesday! One snow day I could live without! But I do have the house and yard ready for another big wet snowstorm! I got my bed ready for some other type of wetness! You know anyone who would like to join me?

So how is the next community project going? What exactly are you doing to help this one? Anyone you know there? When are the dates? I’d love to go if I could ditch my wife! Would you mind if I went? (If I could pull it off).

Well I have to go and get things ready for tomorrow’s madness! But I’d love to see a missive from you tomorrow morning!

Take care with kisses, hugs and groping until orgasm,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 11, 2018 at 10:40 PM
Re: Sunday smart
Hiya T!  
Yay for restored cable and internet!  
It doesn’t matter what age we are as long as we do fun stuff together!  I do agree with Mr. Wilde… I feel so much more alive and young thanks to you! 
It does look like snow is on the way and A LOT of it.  I hope it won’t be as bad at the last two storms!  My plan is to set up my work so I can do it at home on Tuesday.  Or I might take a day off if there’s nothing urgent.  
I want to join you… in bed or on the couch or wherever we can canoodle!  I want to pleasure all your senses… sensual… mmm.
My Sunday rolled along.  I’m not sure who “A Wrinkle in Time” was made for, but it was not for me.  The previews they showed were all kid-based movies. I was surprised to see children there – it seemed way too scary for them!  It was boring in spots, violent and mean in others, and just not what I wanted to watch.  It did seem well-cast, and beautifully rendered in spots.  I’m glad to have seen it, to know what people are talking about, but it was not on the same level as the other movies I saw this year. 

Dim sum was delicious!  We shared several dishes so I got to taste different food.  My sister and her beau were in good spirits.  He bought a fancy custom made guitar.  He’s been taking lessons from a Boston Conservatory grad student and enjoying learning new classical music.  He said he is napping a lot and otherwise doing well on his cancer meds.  
We had a good project meeting, done in just about an hour!  Sounds like our next event is ready to go on Thursday!  I would adore seeing you there!  You are welcome to bring your wife if you can pull that off.  I can get you in for free and probably sit with you.  I know about half the people.  I help out with whatever needs doing.  
Best of luck with work tomorrow, and the storm.  I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best!  

I want to

March 10, 2018 Saturday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sat Mar 10, 2018 at 8:23 AM
RE: Friday fun
So happy to hear from you! We just got power back for good I hope (went on for a while, then off, repeat!). But it’s been on for 24 hours straight! I don’t smell anymore! Still no internet so I have to go out to read your fun emails and respond, but no porn until Sunday! What’s a guy to do? 

We will have work Monday (why do all bosses have a need to intrude on our fun like that?!). But a storm is on the horizon, but not sure what is real with no access to “fake” tv news.

My cock says hi and hopes we can meet again!

Well, I have to go and hope I can write a more detailed email Sunday for you! So much to say!

Take care with hugs, gropes and kisses!,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sat Mar 10, 2018 at 2:10 PM
Subject: Saturday sun
Good afternoon T! 
So happy to hear your power has returned and cleanliness with it!  I bet that feels so much better!! I am hoping the next storm won’t amount to much.
I am having a quiet day – got two loads of laundry done! 
Been thinking of a certain single bed and nice man and… mmm.  
Keep misbehaving! Mwah!

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sat Mar 10, 2018 at 3:36 PM
RE: Saturday sun
Well the roofs are all raked clean in case we get that snow Tuesday! Also found the cable wire to the house for reinstallation. Tomorrow will be a big chainsaw day with help to get the downed trees cut up and piled up. So things getting normal!

Love your emails even though things are too crazy here to write much in return.

Take care with kisses and serious groping,

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sat Mar 10, 2018 at 10:47 PM
Subject: Time change
Hiya T!  
I can’t believe all the dangerous physical labor you have to put in!  Yikes!  Please don’t hurt yourself… I want that hot body for other things!!  😉 
The clocks are sprung ahead and I am off to bed, but I couldn’t go without telling you that I want to suck you and lick you and squeeze you and stroke you!  HA!  
Enjoy Daylight Savings Time! Mwah!  