One more try

July 29, 2018 Sunday

No word for over two weeks… at least I didn’t blather on without a response this time?  
So many questions… what the heck happened to move him from 100 mph to zero?  Why did he come after me so hard for months and see me twice and only then say he is conflicted?  
Ugh.  I can’t do this anymore.   Ooof…. I wanted this man SO MUCH.  *sigh
I am making one more try.  
To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2018 at 1:57 PM
Subject: A handsome man

Saw the handomse man as I was browsing tumblr today…thought of you. Hope you’re enjoying this beautiful day!

Open any day

July 13, 2018 Friday
To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Fri Jul 13, 2018 at 2:28 PM

Re: Together maybe

Happy Friday Reggie! Another gorgeous day outside!

I’m open for lunch any day except Thursday, and drinks any day except Friday! Let me know if any of that will fit your calendar and your desires.

I had another exciting dr appt this morning… dermatology! They looked at my entire body for cancer – nothing! Then they froze off a bunch of moles and referred me to a surgeon for a couple more complicated ones. So that added 3 more appointments in August and September. Whee.

My older sister and her beau made it to Scotland for a family wedding. They had trouble with traffic going to TF Green in Providence and made the flight by 1 minute. Hope that’s the end of their travel stresses! My younger sister is in Tasmania! She petted a koala, fed a kangaroo and bunch of other animals I never heard of!

Any fun weekend plans? We don’t have any… I will go home and plan something! Need to get out in this beautiful weather!! Enjoy!


Together maybe

July 12, 2018 Thursday

To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Th Jul 12, 2018 at 10:12 AM
Subject: Together maybe

Hiya Reggie!

Would adore seeing your smile. Any chance you can pop out for lunch or a drink today or tomorrow? Need an excuse to get out in the weather and see a handsome fellow!



To: Sassy
From: Reggie
Sent: Th Jul 12, 2018 at 11:45 AM

Re: Together maybe

Hi Sass, I might be able to pop out for a quick lunch tomorrow. This week has been extremely busy at work. Ah, the price we pay for corporate enslavement.

Can I confirm about lunch later today or early tomorrow – sorry to keep it fluid.


To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Th Jul 12, 2018 at 12:03 PM
Re: Together maybe

Hiya Reggie,

Awesome! It’s been nutty here to, so I want something better to think about and you fit that category so well!

Fine to be fluid. I available at noon or anytime after that. Mwah!



To: Sassy
From: Reggie
Sent: Th Jul 12, 2018 at 5:10 PM

Re: Together maybe

Hi Sass, my lunch slot just got filled with a meeting. Let us plan for next week. It is a shame to be in July and working!

Rocks, scissors and paper

July 11, 2018 Wednesday

To: Reggie

From: Sassy
Sent: Wed Jul 11, 2018 at 10:24 PM
Subject: Thursday thirsts

Hiya Reggie,

Hope you had a lovely day and got to enjoy this beautiful evening!

We tried a new Irish pub in Inman Square called The Rising and were rather underwhelmed, but it was interesting to explore their menu. The TVs were going on about England being beat by Croatia. I felt sad for them, even though I don’t know much about “football,” and wished you were there to enlighten me about what it really means. Luckily the baseball coverage started and I could watch something I understand.

I spent this evening listening to an audio book – my first ever! I saw an ad for a Netflix movie coming in August based on “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society,” a book from 2009. It perked my interest so I went to Amazon, found out I could listen to it for free with an Audible free trial, so I figured out how to download it to my phone and spent a couple of hours listening. It’s rather rambling so far but I hope it will focus on the main story soon. It’s fun to be able to see the “You have listened to 21% of this book” statistics! I can’t remember when I last read a book so I feel virtuous to be back at it. 

There were two different points where the leader character was writing a letter and asked “three questions” so I thought of you.

If you want to be sassed a little, the three words for tonight are rocks, scissors and paper!

Sleep well!


Super deluxe

July 9, 2018 Monday

To: Sassy
From: Reggie
Sent: Mon Jul 9, 2018 at 9:28 AM
Subject: Monday again

Hello Sass

Back after not being online much in the last 5 days. Hope you are doing well.



To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Mon Jul 9, 2018 at 10:16 AM
Subject: Monday again

Hiya Reggie! I’m super deluxe! Back at the office, rolling along. Hope you have a marvelous Monday! Mwah!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Shoulder nibbles

July 6, 2018 Friday

To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Fri Jul 7, 2018 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Beautiful day

Hiya Reggie!

What a beautiful day! Hope you got to be out and enjoy it! I’ve got the balcony door open and am enjoying the breezes.

I made a rare trip to a grocery store, picked up a bunch of stuff for a BBQ tomorrow. Nothing like Whole Foods on a Saturday afternoon. Whee!

The universe was playing with me yesterday. I went out for lunch with Hubby, and they seated a family at the table next to us – A couple in their 40’s, and their young son. I had to look twice to be sure it wasn’t you! But no. 🙂

Hugs with groping! And a couple of shoulder nibbles that don’t leave a mark!


The river

July 5, 2018 Thursday

To: Sassy
From: Reggie
Sent: Thu Jul 5, 2018 at 8:15 AM
Re: Holiday wish

The same to you. Did you do something fun?


To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Thu Jul 5, 2018 at 8:31 AM
Re: Holiday wish

Good morning Reggie! We took my older sister and her beau for a delightful lunch at C.K. Pearl along the Essex River. It was awesome to get out of the city.

What did you do?

I’m off to the office! Have a terrific Thursday and think about my sexy chest!


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


July 3, 2019 Tuesday

To: Sassy
From: Reggie
Sent: Tue Jul 3, 2018 at 10:03 AM
Re: Logistics

Hi Sass

I have been thinking more and more about this and am feeling conflicted about the situation. This is mostly because I already have two physical relationships (wife and lover out of town) and it is going to be incredibly difficult, mentally, to get into a third one. You know that I am attracted to you and I just need a little more time with you to feel I can be in bed with three different women and still not lose my sanity. Does it make sense?

Sorry to be so messed up!

Talk soon?



To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Tue Jul 3, 2018 at 1:43 PM

Re: Logistics

Hiya Reggie! Hope you’re having a super Tuesday. Busy day at the office?

I’m enjoying another day off. I went to my former church this morning – nothing like a good funeral for a grand lady to bring back folks to celebrate her life and honor her!

Sorry to hear you are conflicted. Thank you for telling me. Let me help? I don’t want to be a source of angst or a burden. I hope to make things easy and fun and add to your sanity! I try to be different from other women. No pressure. No demands. Just a nice woman to listen, spend quality time with now and then, help each other, be an oasis of unfiltered talk and touch.

Please let me know what you’d like. I’m just tossing out ideas – if you don’t wanna, just say and suggest something else and I will likely go along. Mwah!



To: Sassy
From: Reggie
Sent: Tue Jul 3, 2018 at 1:50 PM
Re: Logistics


You have been very wonderful and so easy to talk to. You are lovely to spend time with and I am enjoying it. 

I decided to take this Friday off because there is not much going on at work and I can spend some time with the kid. Let us figure out something for next week?


To: Reggie
From: Sassy
Sent: Tue Jul 3, 2018 at 10:49 PM

Re: Logistics

Hiya Reggie! Hope you’re having a lovely evening. I’m catching up on my community project admin work.

Wonderful you are getting time away from work and with your son!

My calendar looks open next week – let me know when/what you’d like me to block off for you. Mwah!
