Patriotic Skivvies

July 5, 2019 Friday

7:09 AM Sassy
Happy Friday kid!
9:13 AM Phil
Happy Friday!

9:13 AM Sassy
Another hot beautiful day here!

9:14 AM Phil
Same temp in the office but looks nice out. Empty building today so good chance to catch up on routine admin.

9:15 AM Sassy

10:08 AM Sassy
She gives me hope for the future. Such power in poetic words last night at the Boston Pops!

11:24 AM Sassy

Another reason I adore Alaska!
Should get you some of these patriotic skivvies

From Mountain Men of Alaska Facebook page
12:54 PM Sassy

So many delicious Chinese buffet choices at Changsho in Cambridge

Flowers at the front door 
Floral welcome
Salt & pepper calamari
Vegetarian summer rolls with peanut sauce
Soup dumplings!
Peking ravioli
Lion’s head meatball
Fruit bowl
Chocolate cake
Pineapple mousse and jello
Egg drop soup
Festive drinks – Diet Coke with lime and a Passion punch
Dining room 

Poetic Brett

May 1, 2019 Wednesday

From: Sassy
To: Brett
Sent: Wed, May 1, 2019 at 6:53 PM
Subject: teeth cleaned

Hiya Brett! Hope your week is going well and you’re staying warm and dry.

I thought of you today. I was having my teeth cleaned and needed a distraction so I spun out a scenario of you checking out my newly cleaned teeth…with your tongue! Yum… imagining you kissing and french kissing made the time go by quickly! Hope you will oblige me when we see each other.

Hugs with kissing and french kissing!



From: Brett

To: Sassy
Sent: Wed, May 1, 2019 at 11:02 PM
Re: teeth cleaned

See you soon.
Friday afternoon.
Just don’t swoon.
We’ll play a tune.


I Go To Sing

April 21, 2019 Sunday – EASTER

7:14 AM Sassy
Happy Easter kid!

7:18 AM Phil
You too! Enjoy your day!

7:25 AM Sassy
Thanks! I’m going back to bed and dream of you and me ravishing each other!

7:33 AM Sassy
Today is Queen Elizabeth II’s 93rd birthday! 

9:13 AM Phil

9:13 AM Sassy
I didn’t get back to sleep but I fantasized!

9:21 AM Phil
Lovely !

9:22 AM Sassy
Pat your lap for me.

11:45 AM Sassy

I Go to Sing
by Lindy Thompson

I might be exhausted and the children might be cranky,
but I will be going to church on Sunday.
Don’t know who is preaching, doesn’t matter –
the sermon may be helpful or not, holds my attention or doesn’t –
it’s the singing.
I go to sing.

I get up,
get clean,
get dressed,
possibly get mad (at not-ready kids, at empty coffee pot, at traffic)
get going,
get there,
get seated,
get comfortable,
get focused
and when the music starts,
get saved.
It’s the singing.
I go to sing.

It’s the willingness to stand if you are able,
the common agreement on page number,
the voluntary sharing of songbooks with people on your row,
even ones you rode there with –
but most of all,
it’s the collective in-breath before the first sound is made,
the collective drawing upon the grace of God,
the collective, if inadvertent, admission
that we are all human,
all fragile,
all in need of the sustaining air, freely dispensed,
all in need of each other to get the key right and not sound discordant –-
it’s the hidden life-celebration
in the act of making a joyful noise,
all together.

We don’t even have to sound that good.
Singing together still brings home
the we-ness of worship,
the not-alone-ness of life in God,
the best of all we have to offer each other.

When we are singing, I think that I might actually be able to forgive you
for being so terribly human,
and you might be able to forgive me
for being so terribly not there yet,
and we might be able to find peace now,
not postpone it for some heavenly hereafter
but live and breathe it today,
drawing in the grace of God,
voicing out our need and hope and gratitude and longing.

When we are singing, I can feel the better world coming,
and if I get to be a part of it, you do too . . .
so sing with me,
and we’ll make our way down that blessed road together,
collectively better
than we ever thought

12:02 PM Sassy
Microsermon #4 by Jon Wortmann:
Some stories don’t make sense.
Resurrection doesn’t make sense.
Love does though.
Love that can reach beyond the bounds of what we expect–past death, past grief, past pain–is what we need every day.
Easter is about loving through the hardest moments and always knowing that what doesn’t make sense is the beginning of your world changing for good.

12:09 PM Sassy
Have an Easter Island Bunny!

2:32 PM Sassy
Easter dinner!

Cheese and dried fruit
Dessert pastries
Beet pomegranate goat cheese salad, 
roasted potatoes and vegetables
Rolls and butter
Moroccan chicken tagine with sweet potatoes, 
apricots, nuts and raisins
Roast lamb

The Word

May 9, 2018 Wednesday

The Word
by Tony Hoagland
Down near the bottom
of the crossed-out list
of things you have to do today,
between “green thread”
and “broccoli” you find
that you have penciled “sunlight.”
Resting on the page, the word
is as beautiful, it touches you
as if you had a friend
and sunlight were a present
he had sent you from some place distant
as this morning—to cheer you up,
and to remind you that,
among your duties, pleasure
is a thing,
that also needs accomplishing
Do you remember?
that time and light are kinds
of love, and love
is no less practical
than a coffee grinder
or a safe spare tire?
Tomorrow you may be utterly
without a clue
but today you get a telegram,
from the heart in exile
proclaiming that the kingdom
still exists,
the king and queen alive,
still speaking to their children,
—to any one among them
who can find the time,
to sit out in the sun and listen.