May 19, 2019 Sunday
From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 7:32 AM
Re: Re: Re: Voices
Morning, Sass,
To cut to the chase, I think I’ll have to beg off this evening. Whatever disappointment that may or may not bring, it’s probably far less than the disappointment that will happen when I bring far less than my best. What’s that time-honored chestnut, it’s not you, it’s me? In this instance it absolutely is.
I thought about tossing out some bullshit excuse like “something came up” or family obligations but figured we’ve been straight with each other so far, it would be a shame to change it. I spent most of the night thinking about it and came to the conclusion I’m pushing it for today.
Meeting you after spending the day in Boston would mean I’m still in my all-day clothes, with hat head, drained from gong in and out of Fenway and chasing sugared-up children. I thought about rushing through dinner to get out of there to meet you in time and trying to come up with an excuse as to why I had to run out and I hate lying. My preference is to withhold information so I’m not. And then, with this being my first foray into another woman, I thought about the guilt I’d put on myself having just left my family and concluded my head wouldn’t be as clear as I’d like.
All those factors convinced me that for this moment in time, I’d be a dud in both conversation and bed, both of which are important to me. I pride myself on maximum performance and can’t see that happening tonight. But only tonight. I still want to taste, touch, devour, and probe you inside and out. But I want to do it when you’re my focus without the peripheral crap. And since I went to sleep and woke up with these thoughts, I figure they’re here to take up residence for the day.
I hope this doesn’t make me come off as a neurotic jerk but I’d rather be straight than come up with a lie I may forget later. But I shall return and, with your blessing, eat you up. And down.
To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 7:45 AM
Re: Voices
Good morning!
Thanks for the heads-up. I appreciate your explanation and I do understand. Sorry you had to angst over it. Have an excellent family day!
Don’t think about my chest…too much.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 8:38 AM
Re: Re: Re: Re: Voices
I won’t say they were the biggest reasons — well, yes they are the biggest — for delaying sending the email but they certainly were high up the “things I would love to bury myself in if this happens tonight” list of items. They weighed heavily on my mind as I went to sleep and then woke up. So, yeah, “don’t think about my chest” is kind of an empty admonishment.
From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:26 AM
Re: Re: Re: Re: Voices
Ha ha. .Oh Josh. Happy to hear I’ve given you something new and fun to think about. I attached a less demure photo to up your anticipation. Pondering if the fact that it’s naughty to touch me helps or not?
In a broader sense, is the risky dangerous part of touching me a thrill or a detriment? Maybe a mix of both. I hope you can notice the risks and adjust to minimize them, and revel in them but not get weighed down.
Your sense of humor is so subtle and sexy. I giggle at first but then stand back and read it again and marvel at your deft use of words to weave a web of delights!
I’m back in bed trying out a new toy. Have you played with any? I had no knowledge or experience until quite recently but have been experimenting with how they help me stay sane between meets and how they enhance interaction with a man. They also help me understand my body so I can guide a man to try slightly different techniques that give us both more pleasure! They taught me I’m a “clit gal” so stimulating that area produces quite a reaction! Maybe after we’ve explored each other we can expand in that direction.
What else would you like to know? I hope I can give you lots of info to ease and excite your mind.
Hugs with groping and a deep French kiss!
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: The Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 2:48 PM
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voices
I probably should have known better than to open email from you at the Sox game next to my family. Thankfully, only I was paying attention. And you got my attention.
From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 3:30 PM
Subject: A computer of my own
Hiya Josh!
Glad you liked the photo. Figured I’d give more substance to your fantasies.
I’m home from NH with my shiny Macbook Pro laptop! Much poorer but happy to cross that task off my list. My evening will be taken up by the migration assistant to get everything moved over from my old machine and wipe it before turning it in.
Hope the game is going well and your family enjoys it!
Ping me later if you feel like talking.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:20 PM
Re: A computer of my own
So of course I had second thoughts about my second thoughts, even before I saw what I was missing. I got back here and thought, “geez, I should have had the Sass meet me and take a shower and we’d soap each other up and I’d lose my hat head.” But I didn’t.
But it actually did work out for the best timing wise at least. The game was delayed an hour by rain so we didn’t get out of Fenway until just after 5, stopped for the obligatory JP Licks ice cream and by the time we got the car out fo the Pru, through traffic and back to their place, it was already 7. Then pizza, hanging out and by the time I got back here, it was near 9. So maybe I was prescient rather than circumspect. Yeah, that’s it.
Anyway, I’m back in my room but not much good. I’m jumping in the shower then sliding into bed with the Cubs-Nationals game onto lull me to sleep.
Did I tell you I want to lick your lower lips until your quivers turn to shakes? Yeah, that’s what I want to do.
From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:56 PM
Subject: Showers
Josh! Thank you for writing after a long day! I hope you’re sleeping peacefully.
The second I heard there was an hour delay at Fenway, I knew you had been wise. I watched the game highlights and wondered what your family made of it – seemed like a good game!
Not meeting today did not keep me from fantasizing about it. I’m smiling because our minds spin and land on the same spot – I was imagining a shower! And oral! My big question is whether you want
1. me to stop short so you can be inside another opening,
2. Swallow
3. Paint my face and or chest with hot white cum?
I was also imagining meeting you at first light or at Logan… but our time will come and we will cum and I hope we’ll have fun via email or phone or smoke signals until then. Anticipation is a fine thing!
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 10:19 PM
Re: Showers
Geezus, I want you. Here. Now.
Got any sick days?
Option D, please, all of the above. Or stop just short, I’ll explode on myself and you can lick it off.
And it makes it, er , hard to transition to my day but, yes the baseball game was fun. More on that later.
And, yes, we will consummate. And consume.
From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 11:22 PM
Re: Showers
Mmmm… Josh… still not sleeping? I had a lovely nap late afternoon, so I am awake later than usual.
I couldn’t get my old computer transferred to my new one – we don’t have the one cable we need. So Hubby volunteered to go to Micro Center tomorrow and I will try again. *sigh
Being wanted is so hot! Imagine a woman who wants you! Who says, “Yes.” Who does not just “let you” do things to her, but glories in it and does things to you and enjoys it! I will try my best to make it easy and fun. If all that is new, you are in for a treat (or 17).
And you want it all? So so good… I’m game to try! Never done the “lick it off” thing. Only done the “on me” thing once. My mentourage highly prefer to be inside up or down. Is it interesting or creepy reading about my sexy experiences? If it bugs you, I can stop.
Are you mostly a baseball guy or into the Celtics, Bruins, Revolution and Patriots too? I stick to baseball, figure skating (though much less these days) and a little Triple Crown horse racing. Oh, and sled dog racing! The Iditarod rocks! Dogs, majestic mountains and mushers! Whee!
You are so good to your family! My parents are gone, so it’s just the “three sisters” now – my older sister is 9 years older, and my younger sister (who is 9 years younger). I have brunch with my older sister and her beau every weekend to solve the problems of the world, and my younger sister is my best friend and co-conspirator in the community project. They are both bookish, philosophical, brilliant women. I’m the “practical one” who can figure out where to have dinner and how to balance a checkbook etc. Do you have siblings?
Tomorrow I will be in the office… 32 days to go… and thinking of you. I wish you safe and uneventful travels!
Hugs with groping… while I slowly undress you. Good night J!