Shower shot

May 20, 2019 Monday
From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 6:20 AM
Re: Re: Showers

All showered and ready to go.

[photo looking down at his beautiful erect cock, toned legs and shapely feet while he’s standing in the bathroom]


From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 8:14 AM
Re: Re: Showers

Wow! I almost licked the screen! Ha! What a way to start my Monday. Mmm…thank you Josh. Have a marvelous day!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Up your anticipation

May 19, 2019 Sunday

From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 7:32 AM
Re: Re: Re: Voices

Morning, Sass,

To cut to the chase, I think I’ll have to beg off this evening. Whatever disappointment that may or may not bring, it’s probably far less than the disappointment that will happen when I bring far less than my best. What’s that time-honored chestnut, it’s not you, it’s me? In this instance it absolutely is.

I thought about tossing out some bullshit excuse like “something came up” or family obligations but figured we’ve been straight with each other so far, it would be a shame to change it. I spent most of the night thinking about it and came to the conclusion I’m pushing it for today.

Meeting you after spending the day in Boston would mean I’m still in my all-day clothes, with hat head, drained from gong in and out of Fenway and chasing sugared-up children. I thought about rushing through dinner to get out of there to meet you in time and trying to come up with an excuse as to why I had to run out and I hate lying. My preference is to withhold information so I’m not. And then, with this being my first foray into another woman, I thought about the guilt I’d put on myself having just left my family and concluded my head wouldn’t be as clear as I’d like.

All those factors convinced me that for this moment in time, I’d be a dud in both conversation and bed, both of which are important to me. I pride myself on maximum performance and can’t see that happening tonight. But only tonight. I still want to taste, touch, devour, and probe you inside and out. But I want to do it when you’re my focus without the peripheral crap. And since I went to sleep and woke up with these thoughts, I figure they’re here to take up residence for the day.

I hope this doesn’t make me come off as a neurotic jerk but I’d rather be straight than come up with a lie I may forget later. But I shall return and, with your blessing, eat you up. And down.



From: Sassy

To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 7:45 AM
Re: Voices
Good morning!

Thanks for the heads-up. I appreciate your explanation and I do understand. Sorry you had to angst over it. Have an excellent family day!

Don’t think about my chest…too much.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 8:38 AM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Voices

I won’t say they were the biggest reasons — well, yes they are the biggest — for delaying sending the email but they certainly were high up the “things I would love to bury myself in if this happens tonight” list of items. They weighed heavily on my mind as I went to sleep and then woke up. So, yeah, “don’t think about my chest” is kind of an empty admonishment.


From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:26 AM
Re: Re: Re: Re: Voices

Ha ha. .Oh Josh. Happy to hear I’ve given you something new and fun to think about. I attached a less demure photo to up your anticipation. Pondering if the fact that it’s naughty to touch me helps or not?

In a broader sense, is the risky dangerous part of touching me a thrill or a detriment? Maybe a mix of both. I hope you can notice the risks and adjust to minimize them, and revel in them but not get weighed down.

Your sense of humor is so subtle and sexy. I giggle at first but then stand back and read it again and marvel at your deft use of words to weave a web of delights!

I’m back in bed trying out a new toy. Have you played with any? I had no knowledge or experience until quite recently but have been experimenting with how they help me stay sane between meets and how they enhance interaction with a man. They also help me understand my body so I can guide a man to try slightly different techniques that give us both more pleasure! They taught me I’m a “clit gal” so stimulating that area produces quite a reaction! Maybe after we’ve explored each other we can expand in that direction.

What else would you like to know? I hope I can give you lots of info to ease and excite your mind.

Hugs with groping and a deep French kiss!


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


From: The Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 2:48 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voices

I probably should have known better than to open email from you at the Sox game next to my family. Thankfully, only I was paying attention. And you got my attention.

From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 3:30 PM

Subject: A computer of my own

Hiya Josh!

Glad you liked the photo. Figured I’d give more substance to your fantasies.

I’m home from NH with my shiny Macbook Pro laptop! Much poorer but happy to cross that task off my list. My evening will be taken up by the migration assistant to get everything moved over from my old machine and wipe it before turning it in.

Hope the game is going well and your family enjoys it!

Ping me later if you feel like talking.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:20 PM

Re: A computer of my own

So of course I had second thoughts about my second thoughts, even before I saw what I was missing. I got back here and thought, “geez, I should have had the Sass meet me and take a shower and we’d soap each other up and I’d lose my hat head.” But I didn’t.

But it actually did work out for the best timing wise at least. The game was delayed an hour by rain so we didn’t get out of Fenway until just after 5, stopped for the obligatory JP Licks ice cream and by the time we got the car out fo the Pru, through traffic and back to their place, it was already 7. Then pizza, hanging out and by the time I got back here, it was near 9. So maybe I was prescient rather than circumspect. Yeah, that’s it.

Anyway, I’m back in my room but not much good. I’m jumping in the shower then sliding into bed with the Cubs-Nationals game onto lull me to sleep.

Did I tell you I want to lick your lower lips until your quivers turn to shakes? Yeah, that’s what I want to do.



From: Sassy

To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:56 PM
Subject: Showers

Josh! Thank you for writing after a long day! I hope you’re sleeping peacefully.

The second I heard there was an hour delay at Fenway, I knew you had been wise. I watched the game highlights and wondered what your family made of it – seemed like a good game! 

Not meeting today did not keep me from fantasizing about it. I’m smiling because our minds spin and land on the same spot – I was imagining a shower! And oral! My big question is whether you want
1. me to stop short so you can be inside another opening,
2. Swallow
3. Paint my face and or chest with hot white cum?

I was also imagining meeting you at first light or at Logan… but our time will come and we will cum and I hope we’ll have fun via email or phone or smoke signals until then. Anticipation is a fine thing!


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 10:19 PM

Re: Showers

Geezus, I want you. Here. Now. 

Got any sick days? 
Option D, please, all of the above. Or stop just short, I’ll explode on myself and you can lick it off.
And it makes it, er , hard to transition to my day but, yes the baseball game was fun.  More on that later. 
And, yes, we will consummate. And consume.
From: Sassy

To: Floridian
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 11:22 PM
Re: Showers

Mmmm… Josh… still not sleeping? I had a lovely nap late afternoon, so I am awake later than usual.

I couldn’t get my old computer transferred to my new one – we don’t have the one cable we need. So Hubby volunteered to go to Micro Center tomorrow and I will try again. *sigh

Being wanted is so hot! Imagine a woman who wants you! Who says, “Yes.” Who does not just “let you” do things to her, but glories in it and does things to you and enjoys it! I will try my best to make it easy and fun. If all that is new, you are in for a treat (or 17).

And you want it all? So so good… I’m game to try! Never done the “lick it off” thing. Only done the “on me” thing once. My mentourage highly prefer to be inside up or down. Is it interesting or creepy reading about my sexy experiences? If it bugs you, I can stop.

Are you mostly a baseball guy or into the Celtics, Bruins, Revolution and Patriots too? I stick to baseball, figure skating (though much less these days) and a little Triple Crown horse racing. Oh, and sled dog racing! The Iditarod rocks! Dogs, majestic mountains and mushers! Whee!

You are so good to your family!  My parents are gone, so it’s just the “three sisters” now – my older sister is 9 years older, and my younger sister (who is 9 years younger). I have brunch with my older sister and her beau every weekend to solve the problems of the world, and my younger sister is my best friend and co-conspirator in the community project. They are both bookish, philosophical, brilliant women. I’m the “practical one” who can figure out where to have dinner and how to balance a checkbook etc. Do you have siblings?

Tomorrow I will be in the office… 32 days to go… and thinking of you. I wish you safe and uneventful travels!

Hugs with groping… while I slowly undress you. Good night J!


Getting to know a Floridian

May 18, 2019 Saturday

From: Floridian

To: Sassy
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 9:21 AM
Re: Voices

Good morning, Sass,

If you see typos in this, please attribute it to my iPad screen keyboard, which has an autocorrect mind of its own and I don’t always proof it thoroughly. I’d love to talk with you either Saturday or Sunday evening. Problem with the hotel room is the phone is on the desk, making lying down in bed and fantasizing difficult. I have no problem of you calling me on the cell phone if you wish. No one uses it or checks it besides me. It’s up to you. Or, hell, just eliminate the middle man and come here.

I wanted to send a message earlier but I wanted it to have a little more substance than the usual flirtations because of the content of your last response. Your bout with cancer registers with me. Two years ago, I had cancer surgery. Thankfully, things are fine but while it didn’t accelerate my sex drive and desire, it did speed up my retirement schedule. But I did it without plans, opening up my forays to Ashley.

Here’s some answers to your latest questions and I’m sure we’ll have more to chat about. Funny, when corresponding with other women, I withhold much, fog up a few details to ensure I can’t be found though never lying or misleading, but I have no qualms about opening up with you and baring myself. I don’t know why. Probably because I’d really like to see if something can occur. And yes, if my wife is gone, I absolutely can entertain you safely, and I do mean entertain.

For work, I did a variety of things when I was younger that sated my desire for drink, drugs, and danger. I was a bartender, construction worker, drug dealer, and commercial fisherman. But one night, I jumped over the bar to break up a fight, got a cue stick across my back and was laying at the bottom of a scrum thinking there has to be an easier way to make a living. So I went back to school and found a calmer career and taught others as well.  [career story redacted but it is really cool!]

I have no particular restaurant type. I like ‘em all. I’d have to say my choice for overall dining experience in Massachusetts is [redacted]. Incredibly eclectic menu and atmosphere.

But my favorite place to eat (besides the obvious involving you) is the late fall-early winter evening dinner train on the Cape Cod Scenic Railroad, especially during a light snow. It runs from Hyannis to the Canal and back, through marshes and along the coast. It’s magical, romantic, erotic, and the food is five star. I don’t know how people keep from making love on the tables before it’s over.

My music tastes run old school but somewhat diversified. [Details and a youtube video redacted]

I’m off to Boston to see my family [redacted details]. I’ll be back early evening. Let me know which phone you’d prefer and I’ll send you a number. Or, preferably, directions.


From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 1:10 PM

Re: Voices

Hiya Josh,

What a beautiful day! Thank you for bringing the sunshine!! The WBZ weather guy said this is our first dry Saturday since March! Hope you had fun out and about with your descendants.

Okay. Not sure if this will send you running screaming toward me or away but here it is… unfiltered right back at you!

First: Meet
Directions, please? I am game. I may be doing something very special or incredibly stupid but I want to come see you. or see you and cum? ; ) Listen to you. Maybe touch you. Even taste you. Let’s figure it out? I need a safe start somewhere public. Later tonight? Tomorrow late afternoon or evening? I will cancel something. Or I can wait, if there is a better time in the months ahead? Speed can mean the brakes go on harshly too quickly.

Second: Why
Damn it… this email? It’s what I prosaically call a “holy shit” moment. It makes me WANT YOU. Which is usually a VERY BAD SIGN tm. Because the more I want a man, the less likely it is to happen. *sigh

And I am not only thinking of your body or talent using it, but your mind. I want to ask so many questions, to learn from your wide variety of experiences, to benefit from your adventures and have some more with you!

It makes me want to trust you… which can be a disaster. Dangerous. Ugh. How can I tell that you are not part of the evil in this world? I can’t. *sigh. Please don’t be an axe murderer!

Oh man… I adored this email! It sent my mind in so many directions.

I’ll start at the end. I listened to the video. My older sister’s beau is taking music lessons at a high level as part of his post-cancer “do what I’ve always meant to do” activities, so I’ve been listening to a lot of links he posts. But nothing like that song… I let Youtube take me on a trip through the genre for a long time and feel like I can breathe better than in ages for all the gasps of joy! Hah. I got lost in Wikipedia articles about the musician and more. Did you know he is touring? And he’ll be in Boston next month?

I usually get droll answers to the music questions but this was like an explosion in a fireworks factory! Ha! Thank you. It is on in the background as a I write all this.

A big portion of my music knowledge comes through being a serious figure skating fan years ago, and they skate to a lot of different genres, so I can see an athlete jumping and spinning to so many of the tunes. Here’s a 7-minute glimpse of the athleticism, musicality and downright sexuality of one of my favorite dance couples. I am rarely rendered speechless but I stared into the blue eyes of Peter Tchernyshev in a hotel hallway in Colorado Springs and he asked for directions…I had to point!

[HD] Naomi Lang and Peter Tchernyshev – 2002 Worlds FD – Parisienne Walkways

A wacky list of a man willing to take a risk. And then learning important lessons.  Will try not to fangirl too much, but I do adore what you do and how it makes our world better.  I adore sharing stories and I bet you know a million! *drool

I started posting photos about food when I was sick. People were like “How ARE you?” or “How are YOU?” all the time every day and I hated it. So I went out to dinner and took photos and posted them, so they could see me out and know I was “okay” and we could talk about the food and restaurants and I liked that a lot! When I got better I stopped for a bit and everyone was pestering me….”Are you okay? I miss knowing where you had dinner! Can you tell me where to go for brunch?” So I kept going. I consider doing more, perhaps even a food blog, in retirement… we’ll see.

Men tell me their restaurants ideas and most of the time I nod… I could do that. With yours, I want to make reservations right now! Ha. How can you be so… I think there’s a Spanish word something like sympatico? Argh.

I am so sorry you had to learn the lessons of cancer treatment and have it send you off on a different track, but if it brings you to me and that’s a good thing? Hooray!! My dad had similar issues in his 40s and lived another 47 years, so I will hope the same for you! I want to know more about this adventure and any super powers you acquired, but hope there will be time for that later. You got me hoping… *sigh

I have to run to my next thing… and this has gotten long again and I told you way too much so I will stop now.

Anonymity: Thank you for being so open and know I protect you. I was in a “chat room for cheaters” on IRC so I have heard every story on how affairs can so south. Remind me to tell you about the bank robber.

As open as I am, I want to stay anonymous, except perhaps in person after a long while. Not to protect myself from you exactly, though there is always a bit of that, but to keep your wife or family from ever finding me. I hope you can cope with that. And my ”real name” only sends me spiraling into the part of my life that is business and chores and responsibilities and married… let me escape most of that as Sassy!

Hugs with groping and an ear nibble… for a start!


From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 9:50 PM

Re: Re: Voices

Hi, Sass,
Your better angels whisper in your ear? No problem. You take things as quickly or as slowly as you think you need to. (Then once you arrive, I’ll be very, very slow.) You call me or don’t whenever you the spirit moves you. But do not stop writing. It stirs me.
PS— I cannot believe I let the typo go to you on the name of my favorite song! I hate my iPad at times. I can’t imagine what I typed so the beast inside my tablet changed it.  It’s not like I haven’t listened to this album and song for four decades, bought it at least seven times in varying media, not to mention given countless copies as gifts to friends. That’s embarrassing.


From: Sassy

To: Floridian
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 10:01 PM
Re: Voices

When can I see you tomorrow?



From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 10:11 PM

Re: Re: Voices

I’m going to the Sox game tomorrow so if things hold form, my family will get antsy and bored about the fifth inning, leave the game around 3. By the time we get out of Boston and back to their place, it will be around 4:30. I’ll hang with them for a bit to see other family, likely have a quick dinner with them. Did you need to know all that? No, I was just time-factoring as I typed so figure I’ll be free around 7, to be safe. Would you like me to come to you, you come to me, or meet safely in between? You draw the map.
Of course, technically “tomorrow” begins at midnight.
From: Sassy
To: Floridian 
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 10:13 PM

Re: Voices

Hiya Josh,

Glad you are stirred! (Not shaken.)

I feel like I missed an email… or you did… or something. Send me your phone number and we can figure it out.

I am definitely in a full speed ahead mode!

I have to be in Salem NH tomorrow noon, but hope to home in time to see you in the evening, if that works? Tell me when and where. A Starbucks? An Olive Garden? A Mall food court?

Aww… don’t be embarrassed. I knew it was auto-correct. 🙂


From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 10:17 PM

Re: Re: Voices

[phone number redacted]

From: Sassy
To: Floridian 
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 10:21 PM

Re: Voices

Hiya! I like following along while you time-factor. 🙂 Please help the Sox win tomorrow?

I am thinking to go down (see what I did there?) your way, so there is the option of the hotel if the stars align? 7 pm or so sounds fine. Or whenever. Ping me when you know you can be ready in about an hour?

Do you want to talk tonight? Hear my sultry voice? I can call now if that works?


From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 10:41 PM

Re: Re: Voices

Whatever you’d like, Sass. I’m just sitting here watching the Sox and refreshing my browser waiting for your emails. But I’ll warn you, hearing my voice may prompt you to jump in the car tonight. Or so I dream.

I called his cellphone using my Google Voice line.  I was lying on my bed and he was on the hotel bed.  We had a stellar first talk, like we were old friends catching up instead of nervous new acquaintances!  He has a super sexy voice.  I was also surprised how charming he was, considering this was his first rodeo.  We mostly stayed on sharing stories and favorites, but it got quite sexy toward the end and he let me take him over the edge.  Always so hot to hear a man cum!  
As with most men, he got quite sleepy after cresting the summit, so I said good night and sent him off to sleep with a smile. 
I grabbed one of my toys and went back over our conversation until I soared! 
From: Sassy
To: Floridian 
Sent: Sat, May 18, 2019 at 11:31 PM

Re: Voices

Terrific to talk with you. Sleep well J.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Floridian arrives

May 17, 2019 Friday

From: Floridian

To: Sassy
Sent: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 1:38 PM
Re: Re: Wednesday wondering

Waiting for a jet plane. I understand there may be some moisture in your area when I arrive. Those are very nice assets but I’m becoming very enamored with your brain. And imagination. Those bodacious girls just add to the package. I’ll write more when I get to the hotel.

From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 6:03 PM
Re: The black

I’ll be in and out of here all weekend if you magically find some time. Then I’d gladly remain in.

From: Sassy
To: Floridian 
Sent: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 6:59 PM
Re: The black

Oh how you temp me! I know several other places I’d like you to be in and out of!

So glad to hear you made it.

Hope you have a lovely evening!

I help run a community project and we have a big event tonight! 


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


From: Floridian

To: Sassy
Sent: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 7:29 PM
Re: Re: The black

Too late to get tickets?

From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 9:23 PM
Re: Re: The black

Intermission! I’m imagining you laughing beside me in the dark.

How did you get me thinking of that?!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 11:51 PM
Subject: Voices

Hiya Josh! How was your evening? Are you long asleep?

I am finally home! These long days make me an odd mix of worn out and revved up! Thinking about you alone a hotel room definitely increases my revved-up-ness!

May I call you sometime Saturday or Sunday? Seems like a hotel phone would be safer than usual, no record… if it’s not too soon to take that step, tell me some good times?


Three answers and cleavage

May 16, 2019 Thursday
From: Floridian
To: Sassy
Sent: Thu, May 16, 2019 at 10:58 AM
Re: Wednesday wondering

Hi, Sass,
Pester away but I don’t consider it pestering. 

In answer to your questions:

1) AM

I really don’t know. Fantasy, maybe? Hope? Time on my hands? About time? All of the above? I signed up years ago for a free account but never paid to connect with people. I retired and per my wife’s desire, we bought a house and moved to Florida so she could be near her family. Our relationship has been chaste for years because of some medical issues with her but working, friends, and grandchildren kept me too busy to realize the void. Now we’re here and while she has her relatives and some other activities, I’m pretty bereft of friends and things to do so the mind wanders and other parts tend to follow. I’ve actually never hooked up with anyone but think I’m open to the right person. You very much seem like the right person but I so wish it happened while I was still up there.

2) How was I when I first had sex? 

Inexperienced and drained. But I’m assuming you mean how old. I guess we’d also have to define “had sex.” I was 13 when a helpful blonde chesty 30-something neighbor named Bonnie took my needs into her hand, so to speak. I was 17 when I first had intercourse with an age-appropriate girl/woman, and about 20 when I really learned how to do it right so it actually worked for both of us. I learned in my mid-20s that my tongue had both verbal and oral skills and that’s been my best experience since.
3) Favorite 
Again, we need to define this question more narrowly. Favorite part to look at? Hair and eyes. No particular color, style, or length, though the longer, the more alluring to me. But soft and deep on both just melt me. As for favorite part to touch, wherever my tongue can linger and generate a response, lips, ears, neck, breasts, or between the loins. Or all of the above.

Now you.

From: Sassy
To: The Floridian 
Sent: Thu, May 16, 2019 at 11:15 PM

Re: Wednesday wondering

Hiya Josh!

So fun to see your name in my mischief email inbox, and to read your words!

Thank you for indulging my curiosity. I adore hearing your stories and poking around in your head. Here’s a window into my mind:

1) AM
These days I am mostly on AM to help friends fine-tune their profiles.

Hubby and I are good friends but nothing happens in the bedroom except sleep. I went without sex for 10 years, thought that part of my life was over. Then an old flame from high school found me after 37 years. We only dated for 3 weeks in h.s. and never did much except hold hands at lunch and kiss under the stairs but there was this chemistry, and he wanted to see if he could re-ignite it and finish what we started. Hubby encouraged me to fly off to meet him. I figured there was no way he would touch a curvy old married lady, but I was wrong. 🙂 He resurrected me sexually, taught me that I could enjoy sex! He helped me hone my ability to “entertain” a man long-distance. And how to keep him safe from discovery. But he was married, military and miles away, so he encouraged me to find a local option.

About that time, I was diagnosed with cancer. He talked me into getting the test that found it early, so I owe him my breast and maybe my life! I spent 9 months in 2010-11 “going to the doctor a lot” but I am whole and healthy now. I came out of that with a renewed sense of “life is short” and “you only live once” and “sex has to be part of it!”

Several of my friends were on AM and talked me into putting up a profile one rainy night of September 2012. I figured I would not hear from anyone. I was wrong. 🙂 

I have met good, bad and worse men. I’ve learned not the expect much, to have fun while it lasts and been pleasantly surprised several times! I am NOT looking for love or leaving Hubby or any serious stuff. Just smiles and fun and good food and sex and knowing another interesting person.

Wait… so you are from MA? That’s interesting. 

We do seem to have a spark… I adore these early stages when we’re both perfect. 🙂

2) The first time
Age 17. High school sweetheart. We starting dating in October when I was a senior and kept going further and further until February when we “went all the way!” It was… boring. We were clueless. We couldn’t believe that was what all the adults went on about! I have learned a lot since then.

3) Favorite
Eyes. That twinkle a man gets when I say something sassy or touch a certain spot. And shoulders. I’m a sucker for shoulders. If you talk about oral I may have to like you a lot.

Excellent answers! My hair is below my shoulders now… I had waist-length dark hair when I lost it all to cancer and it came back in gray and curly! So I never want to cut it again but I make myself do it once a year to keep it healthy!

Are there questions you want to ask? Please do – I am open to sharing. I find it enhances our interaction, and can give us more reasons to be nice to each other and discover the best ways to do it. Or keep us from wasting each other’s time if there are deal breakers we stumble on.

If you are enjoying it, I will ask three more questions:

1) Work

Want to say what you did or more about what you do now?

I am an office manager – you know the type – the demure efficient older lady who sits in the back office and takes care of the administrative stuff so the senior staff can do their work?

2) A restaurant 

If I were to take you out for a special meal, what would you like to eat?

I don’t cook but I make great reservations. 😉 I have an eclectic palate. I adore lobster dipped in butter. The gnocchi in a short rib sauce. Fried chicken. A beet and goat cheese salad. Chinese, Thai, Indian, Vietnamese and even Afghan food! The perfect warm chocolate chip cookie.

3) Music 

Favorite artists? Do you sing or play an instrument?

I listen to songs I can sing along with – folk music like David Wilcox, John Gorka, Christine Lavin or Cheryl Wheeler or James Taylor. Broadway show tunes. A cappella groups. I do like almost all music and gave hum along to rock, pop, country, classical etc.

I sing and play the piano, though I haven’t done much of either in a while.

I’d better quit before this becomes a cure for insomnia. I will send you two other things… a photo of my best assets and a snippet of erotica. Hope they entertain you.

Sweet sexy dreams J!


From: Sassy
To: Floridian 
Sent: Thu, May 16, 2019 at 11:16 PM
Subject: The black

Hi! I fought hard to keep them, so I get to flaunt them now, right?


From: Sassy
To: Floridian
Sent: Thu, May 16, 2019 at 11:17 PM
Subject: The view

Just as I was finishing my last meeting of the day yesterday,
gathering my papers off the marble table in the conference
room on the 36th floor, the sound of sirens wafted up from
the expressway below. Everyone else had left the room, so
I took a minute to lean over the marble counter and stare
down at the roadway. There was a horrible wreck of mangled
metal and shattered glass, several cars and a tractor trailer
twisted together. The traffic was stopped behind the mess,
and the cars on the other side barely moved, rubbernecking.

Suddenly, I heard the door close. I straightened up, but before I
could turn, I felt your arm around my waist, and felt the heat of you
on my back through my dress. You were already hard, pressed
tightly against my ass. I started to speak, but you put a finger
on my lips and teased a corner. I licked your thumb, and you moved
your hand down to unbutton my dress. Just enough to slip
your hand inside and tease a hard nipple. I moaned and let my head
fall back against your shoulder. You bit my neck and ran your
tongue across my skin.

You slipped your hand under my skirt and inside my underwear,
teasing my most sensitive spot. You pressed a finger inside,
unsurprised at the moisture gathered there. I was startled
as you lowered my underwear. I felt like my knees would
buckle, but you tightened your grip and spread my legs to
balance me against the counter. I panicked when I heard
the rasping sound of your zipper, but before I could form the
words in my mind to stop you, I felt you hot and hard against
my skin, and a low moan was all that escaped my lips. You
shoved it inside me, and your breathing grew ragged as you
watched yourself slide in and out. You kneaded the flesh of
my hips as you moved, then reached around me to rub the top
of my slit in time with your strokes. I was trying to be
quiet, but could not hold in all the gasps of pleasure as
you thrust deeper and deeper inside me, your balls slapping
against me. You felt the trembling start inside me, and
the clenching around you. You felt the pulsing, the searing
heat and suddenly lost control, pounding me into the wood
and stone, spurting up inside me over and over.

The only sound was our uneven breathing and the whirring
air conditioning. You pressed your cheek to my back and
whispered, “What a view…”

Three questions

May 15, 2019 Wednesday

To: Floridian
From: Sassy
Sent: Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:18 PM
Subject: Wednesday wondering

Hiya Josh! Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday! I had a wacky day at work – the kind that make me glad there won’t be many more!

I was thinking of you, wondering so many things. But I won’t pester you except for three questions tonight:

1) What brings you to AM now?

2) How were you when you first had sex?

3) What is your favorite part of a woman’s body?

Please answer and I will tell you mine!


Quadruple entendre

May 14, 2019 Tuesday

From: Floridian
Date: Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 8:23 am
AM Message 
Sassy, you’re welcome to occupy as much of my time online and my mind offline as you want. You intrigue me as well and I find intelligent repartee spiced with quadruple entendre to be extraordinarily titillating (not an onomatopoeic term but it should be) and you’ve aroused much of my being. You seem able to give as good as you get and I’m a sucker for that. Ask away. And even if it’s just for a quick latte (or a shot and a beer while I drink seltzer), I’d come to you if you can find a window.

I am also retired, pulling the pin last year after determining that, like youth being wasted on the young, retirement is wasted on the old. I dabble in part-time work to keep me busy. Yes, I do come north fairly regularly. But my wife also goes up on solo trips, leaving me to fend for myself down here. Which is another option, should you choose to accept your mission. If you’d care to eliminate Ashley as a middle person, I can be found behind my profile name online in America. (How clever am I, huh?)



From: Floridian
Date: Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 8:26 am
AM Message

And to answer your question about this weekend’s company, I have not arranged any meet and greet and grope and giggle and nibble. No one has caught my attention like you so far. You’ve set the bar fairly high.


To: Floridian
Date: Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 2:27pm

AM Message

Hiya Josh! Popping in for quick hug and perhaps a French kiss between meetings! Thank you for writing and opening up to me. It’s brightening up a very gray cold day here! I adore poking around in people’s minds, so strap in for some fun! I’m always a little nervous when I start sassing a new fellow – glad you understood it and didn’t think I am too much of a hussy. So sorry you didn’t find someone for this weekend. I appreciate the offer of you meandering my way – I would adore an iced chai latte and stroking the inside of your wrist with my thumb – but there is not window. I am so sorry. FYI – I don’t drink liquor either – it makes me barf! I haven’t been to FL since right after hurricane Andrew… I bet it looks better now. Do you think you could host me without getting caught? I might be game after I know you a bit. Have you always lived down there or did you escape some colder climate? Awesome that you’ve retired! So many people tell me they are never going to do it. Maybe you can give me tips on how to enjoy life after full-time work since you’re a few months ahead on that path? I have “cause lots of trouble on my Sassy side” close to the top of the list. Gotta run to yet another meeting… I’ll write more tonight and try to figure out your email cleverness! Maybe I’ll send you some of my saucier writing. Hugs with groping and a hot breath on your neck!! -S 

From: Sassy 
To: Floridian
Sent: Tue, May 14, 2019 at 5:00 PM
Subject: Connection

Hiya! Testing…1…2..3… is this thing working? I thought I’d better check before I launch into something more.



From: Floridian

To: Sassy
Sent: Tue, May 14, 2019 at 5:18 PM
Re: Connection

This is Houston. You’re a go.

Floridian flirts

May 13, 2019 Monday

Date: May 13th – 2:00pm
From: Floridian
AM Message

Giggle is such a great onomatopoeic word. It makes me giggle. And fair warning, nibbling my left ear could lead to injury. I have a gold stud, representing my former status as one. As for narrative, I tried once before but got precious few serious inquiries, mostly from saccharine babies looking for a sugar daddy. I prefer intelligent, bodacious women from my era. You clearly fit the bill. I’m sorry you’re unavailable on this trip back but maybe, hopefully, future sojourns will be more fruitful. And I’ll bring a piece of fruit you can nibble on. And you know what kind of trouble that can bring. Josh


Date: May 13th – 3:19pm
From: Floridian
AM Message

Per your suggestion, I’ve added an opus (did you know the plural of opus is opera?) to my profile in hopes attracting someone like you. Or you, whichever works best. Have a read. Josh


Date: May 13th – 10:34 pm
From: Sassy

AM Message

Your Priority Message to Sassy has been successfully opened.


Date: May 13th – 10:35 pm

AM Message

Your Priority Message to Sassy has been successfully opened.

[These are more automated messages that AM sends him from my account.  I begin to wonder if there’s a sale for Mother’s Day or something that would make that feature free for awhile, as it seems silly for him to spend money on that over and over]


Date:May 13th – 10:48 pm
From: Sassy

AM Message

Hiya Josh! Wow! Thanks for taking my advice and filling your profile with paragraphs! I like it! You are quite a charmer. I can’t say I completely understand it but it makes me want to. If it doesn’t work, try something else. Did you find someone for this weekend? Please bring some sunshine with you! I can’t tell if I am someone you’d want to touch but we’d definitely have fun talking. You intrigue me. I want to ask you lots of questions, but hesitate to take up your time if I can’t meet. If you feel like exploring my Sassy brain, I’ll leave the light on for you.


Date: May 13th – 11:16 pm

AM Message
Hi again! Thank you for helping me smile on a rainy Monday evening. Glad I could get you giggling. That is a grand way to start the week, yes? You tempt me to be silly and sexy. I’ve never nibbled a gold stud… could be a treat… hmmm. Makes me wonder. I like nibbling nuts better than fruit. Big trouble. Whee! I will admit you have me looking at my calendar to see what I could cancel, but I am locked in. Will you really be back north sometime? I’m retiring in 39 days (yes I am counting the days!) and have so much to do, but life should be calmer after June. Hope you have uneventful travel and wave to the north this weekend. I’ll be winking in your direction. -Sassy

Good bye and hello

May 11, 2019 Saturday

To: Floridian
Date: Saturday May 11, 2019 at 3:05pm
AM Message

Hiya Josh! Thank you for your fun message! Glad I could give you a laugh. Sorry I can’t entertain you – unfortunately, next weekend is wacky but I wish you all the best and hope you find a lovely lady to tryst with! P.S. Please change your profile sometime to spell discreet the right way… I know what you meant and appreciate it, but it’s one of those classic errors that turns off certain smart women you might want! Hugs with groping! -Sassy

From: Floridian
Date: May 11th – 3:13pm
AM Message
Thanks, Sass, but that’s actually Ashley’s problem. I just checked the boxes on the profile and what I checked said discreet; what it showed is indiscreet. As an English major, writer, and teacher, I wholeheartedly agree. My intent is to seek confidentiality, not individuality, though that is more than welcome. I looked to find a way to fix it but all for naught — or not. Maybe I’ll just discretely eliminate it. Josh


Date: May 11th – 3:17pm
From: Sassy

Your Priority Message to Sassy has been successfully opened.

[This is an automated message that AM sends from my account.  It means he paid extra to get confirmation of when I read his message]


Date: May 11th – 3:31pm
From: Sassy

AM Message

Oh Josh…now you’ve got me giggling. Thanks for brightening my Saturday. Aha! Of course… AM manages to make everything a little more tricky than it needs to be. Thank you for taking care of that! Skip the silly checkboxes and write your own paragraphs? You’ve got it going on, might as well share. Be who you are, say what you want and like-minded women will flock to you. Men who can write are rare. There’s your Sassy advice for today. Careful or I will start nibbling your ear and you know what kind of trouble that can bring! Ha!

Floridian guffaw

May 10, 2019 Friday

A new fellow wrote to me on Ashley Madison today. 

From: Floridian
Date: Friday May 10, 2019 at 3:51pm
AM Message

Your subhead greeting made me guffaw, your narrative enthralled me. Hi, I’m Josh. I’ll be up visiting in your area next week for the weekend. Any interest in an NSA hotel tryst with a fairly intelligent, tall, good-looking, and respectful married Floridian? Drinks first so you get to know me, of course.


What a fun first message!  He read my profile!  I adore the word guffaw.  And tryst!  Classy!  And he gave me a name to call him.  

Too bad he’s not local.  I just can’t do one-nighters.  And even if I wanted to, this particular weekend is completely booked!  Argh.  So I need to write and thank him and send him away.  But I am curious.  I look at his profile. 
His greeting is something you might have seen in the personals years ago.  Creative or anachronistic… hmmm.  Better than most I see.  
There’s blurry photo of his face… all I can tell is he is smiling and has hair!  Yay!  
He says he’s 67.  Likely means he’s a little older, but that’s okay. 
Location: some city in Florida… eh.  No can do. 
He’s married – that’s perfect. 
Of course he is tall and slim.  *sigh 
He wants something short term?  No.  Sorry. 
There’s nothing scary in the boxes he checked and he didn’t do too many. 
He wrote a long, intriguing paragraph about himself that was humble but bragging in just the right mix.  Nothing too forward to start.  Well done! I long to explore his mind!  
He listed 10 qualities that turn him on – I have 8 of them (no tattoos, no drinking).  Nothing scary. 
He wrote another long paragraph about what attracts him to a woman – all sorts of different physical characteristics he is open to.  I fit some of them.  Heh.  Says he does not drink alcohol!  
There is no feedback which either means he’s just getting started or he opened a new account for his travels.  
I have to write him back and wish him the best of luck.  This makes me sad.