Royal Selfie (sorta)

July 6, 2017 Thursday

7:35 AM Sassy
Not real but fun anyway…Wills giving Grandma bunny ears and dig her corgi phone case. Ha!
Hugh Casey’s Facebook page

Pony nibbles

July 5, 2017 Wednesday

7:39 AM Sassy
Good morning kid!  Fun to see you on a boat!
7:42 AM Phil
Good morning! Had a blast!
8:00 AM Sassy
You working today?  I’m off to the office.
10:11 AM Phil

11:31 PM Sassy
Shetland pony nibbles the Queen’s posy in Scotland!

Posy for a pony:  Three-year-old Cruachan IV the Shetland pony nibbled on one of the Queen’s purple blooms during a visit to Stirling Castle today

Chatsworth House

July 2, 2017 Sunday

4:46 PM Sassy
Chatsworth House

120 years ago today, 200 distinguished guests (including royalty and many members of the nobility) were assembling extravagant costumes from history, literature, art and mythology in preparation for the Devonshire House Ball. 
Celebrating Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, the ball was the first of its kind to be extensively documented in photographs of each individual guest. 
Remarkably, some of the original outfits still exist, and we are thrilled to have them on display as part of ‘House Style: Five Centuries of Fashion at Chatsworth’. 
Scroll through the photos to discover more about the costume worn by Duchess Louise, who hosted the ball at Devonshire House in London.

4:50 PM Sassy
You may recognize this house from the film “Pride and Prejudice or 9 other movies!

The Duke is 96

June 9, 2017 Friday

9:04 AM Sassy
Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!!!!

7:18 PM Sassy
from Majesty Magazine:
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY: The Duke of Edinburgh is 96 today, 10 June 2017.”

7:24 PM Philip
He looks great! 
7:27 PM Sassy
He reminds me so much of my dad!
7:28 PM Philip


June 8, 2017 Thursday

7:46AM Sassy
Good morning kid! Headed back to work!

9:28AM Phil
About time! Slacker


You know… every now and then – not often – he says something and I know he’s joking, mostly… but… I decide I don’t have to write back for a while so I don’t tell him that staying home when you’re sick and working from there even though your brain is mush?  IS NOT SLACKING.  *sigh

Princess turns 2

May 1, 2017 Monday

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share a new photograph of Princess Charlotte to mark her second birthday tomorrow. The photograph was taken in April by The Duchess at their home in Norfolk.”