Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Good morning! Have a terrific Tuesday!
Good morning! Have a terrific Tuesday!
7:50am Phil
Hey good morning Sass! Hope you date was fun. Nice to have short week! Thanksgiving is coming and we put the Christmas tree up over the weekend. Took advantage of able bodied help. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Hey good morning Sass! Hope you date was fun. Nice to have short week! Thanksgiving is coming and we put the Christmas tree up over the weekend. Took advantage of able bodied help. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Thanks for your words – made me smile on a very bad day. Saw my union rep for the first time ever. Boss is being a jerk. Know anyone who needs an office manager? Or have any intuition on the lottery numbers? With online men who take and don’t give, my stupid foot and wacky blood sugars, and now job crap? Ugh. Please pray for better days! Sorry to whine… can’t sleep. Will go get lost in memories of lobster and sunsets and hugs. Mwah!
Thanks for your words – made me smile on a very bad day. Saw my union rep for the first time ever. Boss is being a jerk. Know anyone who needs an office manager? Or have any intuition on the lottery numbers? With online men who take and don’t give, my stupid foot and wacky blood sugars, and now job crap? Ugh. Please pray for better days! Sorry to whine… can’t sleep. Will go get lost in memories of lobster and sunsets and hugs. Mwah!