January 5, 2015 Monday
From: Sneezy
To: Sassy
Subject: Happy New Year
Sent: Sunday, Jan 5, 2015 1:45 PM
How are you my friend?
Hope you had a great holiday break.
Still going strong in NH?
So Sneezy is checking in. I don’t get it. Last time I saw him he sneezed the entire time because he’s allergic to cats and therefore me! Did he forget that? Maybe he is on some new anti-allergy meds? He doesn’t say. I’ll tell him I am not seeing anyone… we’ll see what he wants.
From: Sassy
To: Sneezy
Subject: re: Happy New Year
Sent: Sunday, Jan 5, 2015 5:15 PM
Greg! How are you dear man? Did you have a good holiday?
I had a lovely Christmas, then got sick and was stuck inside with a cough for 7 days! Argh!
You found a nice lady to play with? I’m not seeing anyone at present – been mired in moving my mom to an assisted living place and selling her condo and taking over her finances. The NH guy got divorced and took off with a single lady in October, as you’d expect. I’ve been hanging out on AM but not being enticed by anyone so far.
Hope the new year brings great adventures for both of us!