Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Good morning kid! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
8:46am Phil
You should be feeling refreshed and perky this morning.
Yes… Great how he brightens my day!
8:51am Phil
I’m so glad. Happy he is part of your life again. He seems to make you happy.
I am persona, non gratis with Beach Gal again. After dumping all that on me on my birthday, she has shut down again. Guess she has no idea what an emotional roller coaster this is for me or perhaps she knows exactly what she is doing
So sorry to hear she has gone silent again. Bleh. She is probably tied up in her own drama and does not see how it affects you.
My visit with Kris reminded me of you. He appeared right on time at 5. I showed him my office, kissed him at my desk and in the elevator! We strolled around outside than sat people-watching a while, then walked to dinner. We crossed the street to a dessert place for decadent sweets.
He brought me home on his bike. We camped out on the sofa with his head on my lap and his cock in my hand! He fell asleep, so I tucked him in and sadly went off to bed alone.
He had great news – his renter admitted starting the fire with a cigarette, and offered to pay the $1k deductible. And his insurance will cover indoor cleaning, replacing and staining his entire deck and the patio doors, then painting his entire downstairs, as it has an open floor plan so if they paint the part near the fire, they need to keep going! So he gets a renovation! And they’re starting this morning! Finally some better luck for him!!
10:21am Phil
I’m glad he has some good news. That’s awesome!
Beach Gal is in this thing where she has made a big deal about this guy and the ring and now is having second thoughts after acting impulsively. She does not know this guy well enough to marry him. That takes time. He is going to turn her house into a drug den, spend her money and most likely get them both arrested. That’s what I see. Her personality is such that she is going to like the coke. She has depression issues, takes meds for it and the coke makes her euphoric and makes her feel in control. This is not going to end well. I know her too well, can read the signals and signs by now and I don’t believe I can stop it. She is so damn stubborn, she won’t admit she acted hastily and needs to back off. She will lie to herself and say it’s all okay when it’s simply not. I asked if he made her knees bend, did he take her breath away, no answer. She responded that being content is enough. I know that wears off but you can’t tell her. Frustrating as hell.
11:01pm Phil
Hey girl, sweet dreams.