Sunday, September 7, 2014
Me: Good morning! Hope you’re enjoying this fine day! Mwah! 10:45 AM
Kris: R u getting treated to your b-day dinner today? 10:56 AM
Me: Having a lunch and dinner! And beach! Sooo wish you were with me. We must pop down here soon! 12:28 PM
Me: What’s on your agenda for this beautiful day? 12:35 PM
Kris: I’m sitting in Panera’s working…Ugh! So u celebrating b-day….with family? What beach? 12:42 PM
Me: Ooh…I adore Panera! Hubby and I are lunching at Quito’s overlooking Bristol Harbor, South Beach in Little Compton, then the Boat House for sunset supper. 12:47 PM
Me: I sent my photo album from last time to your new email. 12:48 PM
Kris: Wow! Sounds great! Other family with u….or joining later? Birthday girl getting a cake? 😉 12:52 PM
Me: Just us today. Sister’s family tomorrow night for Spanish tapas. 1:03 PM
Kris: Wow! Lucky girl! 1:07 PM
Me: Everyone forgot two years ago, so they’ve gone overboard since 1:09 PM
Kris: Well…works out for u! 🙂 1:11 PM
Me: Would rather be holding your hand! 1:12 PM
Kris: Ah shucks…I’m bogged down working. Enjoy yourself! 🙂 1:17 PM
Me: Thanks! Be productive! Don’t think of my boobs! 1:44 PM
Kris: Incorrigible! 1:44 PM
Me: I knew you’d type that. 🙂 1:45 PM
Kris: Smarty pants! 1:51 PM
Me: Made it home. Good day for you? 9:25 PM
Kris: Working…talked to wife – no hope of reconciliation. Frightened, lonely, sad, lost both wife and whole family…children not talking to me. sorry. but genuinely glad u had a good day. u deserve it! 9:29 PM
Me: Aww, Kris, so sorry. I’m so wishing I could hold you and rub your head. I thought of you so often today! 9:33 PM
Kris: Ty but some things we really have to do ourselves, like grieve losses or repair relationships…. like with kids…..but i appreciate that. you’re sweet 9:36 PM