Monday meetings
Between Phil and You
Between Phil and You
November 22 at 6:21am
Good morning! I hope this is a good Monday for you. Doesn’t feel like morning – still dark…but warmer. Already 40, going into the 50s! And calm. Can’t even see the flag. Have a great day!
November 22 at 6:57am
What’s on your dance card for today? Schlepping back to D.C.? Or hanging at the beach?
Busy day for me. Work first -But no payroll, thank goodness! (Did it last week due to the holidays). A favorite ex-co-worker is visiting!
November 22 at 6:59am
At noon, Hubby drives me to Mass General Hospital to meet a friend who works there and my sister’s best friend, a medical researcher. They will go with me to the Gillette Center for Women’s Cancers on the 9th floor to meet the three doctors at 1 pm – a surgeon, a radiation oncologist and the medical oncologist. And hear what they recommend! That’s supposed to be about 3 pm. Whee!
Great to start dealing. I’m only a little frightened, partly because I don’t know enough yet, but mostly because I don’t get all worked up about such things. It’s obvious from much of the material that they’re used to coping with really frantic women, but I’m not one. One step at a time…
Phil November 22 at 7:08am
Good luck. Hope its all good news, early, treatable etc. Hope it’s a decent day any way.
November 22 at 7:14am
Hope to be home by 5 pm. Some time after that I’d like to suck your cock until you explode and have you fuck me until I forget my name. Hey, a girl can dream, right? 🙂
November 22 at 7:17am
Thanks for the good wishes! Please don’t worry about me. You have enough on your plate already. I have a great family, good friends and co-workers, and the best hospital in the world! And a very special old friend…
Phil November 22 at 7:17am
Lol! I love it! Hope it goes well. I’ll certainly say a prayer.
November 22 at 4:47pm
Just walked over the Longfellow Bridge at sunset with a gorgeous view of Boston!
Phil November 22 at 6:14pm
How did everything go ?
Phil November 22 at 6:15pm
Hope it went ok
November 22 at 9:31pm
Hiya! Thanks for asking. It means a lot. Sorry it took me so long to reply.. many family and friends tugging at me for news.
The upshot – I will come out of it whole and cancer free. But it will take awhile.
Phil November 22 at 9:59pm
That’s wonderful news! So glad to hear that!
November 22 at 10:08pm
It was a good day. I stayed calm. I thought about lobster and you, kept me from getting overwhelmed with the medical stuff. The cancer center people are super-nice. Almost can’t believe they’re medical people – they have social skills! Pleasant, friendly, caring… all women except for one doc. They are on the leading edge of care and doing lots of studies to come up with new stuff.
We saw 10 people in 3.5 hrs:
Clerk who checked me in
Assistant who took my vitals – all good!
Arm scan study tech – participating in a study to fight lymphodema
Three doctors – surgeon, chemo, radiation
EKG tech, two nurses, blood draw person
Summary of my treatment:
Good news: Lumpectomy! Day surgery in December
Meet with chemo doc 10 days later to plan next steps
Likely timeline after that:
The bad news – Chemo (once every two weeks for 6 months)
4-6 week break
Radiation (15 minutes, every week day for 6 weeks)
not a huge deal – fatigue and sunburn last two weeks
Done in early August!
Done in early August!
They say I can work the entire time except 7-10 days after surgery, and one day every two weeks when I have to go in for the chemo.
I am clinging to the final outcome, and then “one day at a time” thing, trying not to get ahead of myself. I prayed to avoid chemo, but it looks like I won’t. *sigh*
If you have any questions, let me know. I can talk about any of it, but figure you have other worries and important work. I never want to burden you, just try to share lobster, laughs and fun. and life-affirming sex! 🙂 And even help you as a sounding board. When you have time and inclination.
Phil November 22 at 10:11pm
I will think of you and pray for you until you are well again. I have faith, you will be fine!
November 22 at 10:56pm
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. That is a great comfort. and the chance for a semi-“cancer free” zone with you. So let’s move on to lobster! And chowder!
Tuesday tulips
Between Phil and You
November 23 at 6:27am
Good morning! Tuesday time again. I hope it’s a good one for you. So dark outside. Must’ve rained overnight – everything is wet and the air is humid. It’s warmer – 53 now and headed to 60! So weird for November. We often have snow by now. Have a wonderful day!
Phil November 23 at 8:57am
Having a great day! Morning pt so the blood is pumping, hope to get a lot done!
November 23 at 3:42pm
Hope you’re being productive! Anything fun to do in these last few days or just tedious stuff?
November 23 at 10:44pm
Hey, kid. Hope you had a good evening. Great NCIS! Ziva is so amazing. And the make-up in the flashbacks was incredible. I’m feeling shaky, but hanging on to the edge. Hope to be better tomorrow. Sleep well, sweet man.