Saturday shenanigans
Between Phil and You
December 11 at 11:46am
Good morning! Gorgeous here! Hope you are seeing the same. Clear but MUCH warmer… 200% warmer than yesterday… already 42 degrees! Lots of cars in the lot, and trucks with odd names
December 11 at 12:05pm
Woke up very early, from a very unusual hot dream about a shower and you. Stayed in bed awhile… running it over in my mind. Finally got up and wrote it all down. Mmmm… Now that it’s out of my head maybe I can get some work done! Have a great day!
December 11 at 4:39pm
Good day for you? Can’t believe it is dark already. Got lots done – laundry, de-cluttering, got dressed up to go out… wish you could feel this top… all dark blue and velvety and shiny gold, even a teensy bit of cleavage… might have to get it out again when you’re here. Off to Christmas carol!
December 11 at 10:02pm
Hope you had a fun evening. Caroling was amazing! 60 of us strolled the streets, ringing doorbells and singing, gorgeous harmonies. I sang for over an hour. Haven’t done that in years! Nice folks from all over. Great food – hot mulled cider, big vat of chicken veggie soup, brownies, cookies, fresh bread, meatballs… You would’ve liked it.
Please take extra care driving… supposed to rain a lot Sunday. Sleep well, sweet man.
Please take extra care driving… supposed to rain a lot Sunday. Sleep well, sweet man.