Sassy Answers: 7 Steps to Sex

It’s time once again for another exciting version of “Sassy Answers” – those crazy posts when I get to talk to you, dear readers, rather than Phil!

Q.  Which medium of communication do you like best?


Oh… you meant something else… hmm….

Q. Do you like email?  Texting?  Chat?  Or the phone?  IRC chat? Skype?

A. It depends!

This entire blog is about how Phil and I use all the different media to stay in touch.  If you start reading at “The Start” you will see us go from a note on through all the various ways there are to communicate except smoke signals!  I’m not sure why, but Phil gets really sexy in FB chat, so that has become my favorite!  Call it cyber sex or crazy, but that is where he makes me feel the most alive.  And I can do it at home or at work without anyone around being any the wiser! And I can keep them to read over later, so that beats the phone or Skype, even though I adore listening to his manly voice or seeing his beautiful face (and other body parts… ahem).

Sassy gets to communicate with a lot of people.  Yay!  I hear from people who are reconnecting with old flames online.  Or people meeting people through dating sites.   And a lot of people connect with Sassy!  I adore a good story, and am often on the edge of my seat waiting to hear about the next step in someone’s walk toward a new relationship.  I am a sucker for “first kiss” stories, and scour the blogs for those! I am constantly aware of all the various ways to communicate and the advantages of each method!

It’s fascinating to go from that first pithy blog comment or exciting initial brief contact to a hug or more, and see how different people get there.  It varies a lot, of course, especially depending on how close they are geographically, their personal style, how tech-savvy they are, and how much they’re trying to hide from their spouse.

There’s a famous quote by Marshall McCuwen “The medium is the message.”  It’s too deep for Sassy but I bet you can figure it out… something about the method you use to communicate imparts more than the actual content?

But there gets to be a pattern, that goes something like this:

Step 1 – Opening salvo – Facebook?  Classmates.Com? A comment on this blog? IRC Chat?  Keep it brief but enticing.  Ask simple questions they can answer.

Step 2 – First foray – tentative email reply or Facebook message (for re-connecters), then more messages.  Private chat in IRC?

If things go well, this is the step that requires trust to give out the email/IM info or Facebook friending for re-connecters? … be careful of the trail you leave after this… it’s a big step:

Step 3 – Real time – online chat in FB? Yahoo? GChat?  I prefer GChat but have an account on all three!  The real-time back and forth is lovely, especially on sexier topics.

Step 4 -Texting (sexting?)  I hate typing on my phone, and the character limit, but the photos are fun!

It takes a lot to get Sassy past this point…

Step 5 – Live voice – hearing the sultry Sassy voice (using Google Voice to protect my phone number)

Step 6 – Face time – Video chat “Skyping” (non-local) – this takes A LOT of privacy and trust… not my preference
Local Step 6 – meeting for coffee or a meal
Step 7 – meeting for more?  Oh my…

What’s your favorite method of communicating?  Why?

One thought on “Sassy Answers: 7 Steps to Sex

  1. Thats the sort of 7 step programme that I like to hear about SassyG. One that ends with some slap and tickle. Personally I like real time chat, and standard email I guess. I like a story. However nothing beats a phonecall for intimacy, when they happen. The voice, it’s said, is more than half of love.

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