French kisses

March 23, 2018 Friday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Fri Mar 23, 2018 at 11:38 AM
Subject: Friday french
Good morning T!  Happy Friday! 
Hope your week is ending well.  The sun is shining and you are out there for me to email and I am happy!  It feels like spring!  
I’m filling in at the front desk of another office this morning.  The rest of the admin team is off cleaning out a conference room we’re turning over to another department, so I am “holding the fort” at the main office until they get back.  It’s pretty quiet today so I have time to write to you! 
Any fun weekend plans?  I’m going to Gaslight in the South End tomorrow for a special French brunch with my older sister and her beau for her birthday! Hubby is helping with clean up after last night’s event, so I may get involved with that in that late afternoon.  Sunday I am seeing a gal pal for a meal…not sure if it is brunch or dinner.  Then going to my niece’s opera performance!  Cambridge does this wacky children’s opera once a year with about 150 people singing and dancing, so I’ll join the throng of appreciative relatives for their last performance. 
My thoughts are focused on french kisses… that fascinating process of melding our mouths and the tongue dance and little frisky nibbles!  Twisting our heads, delving deep… mmm mmm mmm!  

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Fri Mar 23, 2018 at 12:45 PM
Re: Friday french
I am finishing up some work but love your emails, so I had to stop and respond!  I might be free to message tonight about 6 to about 9 if you are free and desire?  I have no plans but a couple of things might come up.  I can give you some of the cool details tonight.  Either by letter or chat!
You sound like you have a great weekend lined up!  I should know my schedule for next week soon and we can plan a little afternoon fun next week!  The lesson plan will be about oral.  Any input? And by the way I was watching amateur anal porn videos on tumblr.  There I go, so now you know what a perv. I am!
Well I have to go, but let me now if you can chat or if I’ll be writing a long email!  Off to find some interesting tumblr accounts!
Take care with French kisses, hugs and groping, with a little tongue in other places,

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Fri Mar 23, 2018 at 2:20 PM
Re: Friday french
Hiya T! 
Sadly for us, I just found out Hubby made a plan for us to go out for dinner and drive a gal pal home to Natick!  So I am unlikely to be back in time to chat.  Argh!  
Psst… anal is not pervy!  Okay, maybe a little.  But it’s a regular thing I see all the time.  Glad you had fun!  I suddenly have the urge to make a list of sexy things and figure out where my pervy line is… mine is probably way down the list compared to other folks. But that whole exercise is kind of… judgmental.  To each his own, with consent, as you said.  I have talked with men who thought blow jobs were pervy, or having sex with the lights on! On the other end, the man who liked enemas or the one who wanted to listen to me in the bathroom…other side of the line for me. *sigh.  I do wonder where people get these ideas and find someone to try them.  I feel like I missed a class or something.  I didn’t know about any of this until after I turned 50!  

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Fri Mar 23, 2018 at 10:59 PM
Re: Friday french
Hi Tim!  Hope you had a lovely Friday evening!  I missed you and thought about you a lot!  Did you get to relax?  See any good Tumblrs?  
Tonight was a lengthier adventure than I had anticipated!  
I survived the monthly Happy Hour at work, cheerfully munching my way through the last farewell for our administrative assistant.  My dinner companion got delayed and Hubby needed a ride home, I We finally set off to the west at 7:15 pm, arriving about 8 pm at the Olive Garden where you first grabbed me.  Mmmm… good memory!  So it took me 3 hours to get from work to dinner!  Eeep! 
Dinner went well.  The waitress was frazzled but pleasant.  My pal told me stories about her new job. I took off from there at 9:45 pm and was home by 10:30 pm!  
I think I will be home from brunch before noon tomorrow and not go out again.  We’ll see… 
Have a lovely weekend!  Think of the buxom gal who is ready to have adult time with you! 

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