Something salacious

March 25, 2018 Sunday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 25, 2018 at 12:09 AM
Subject: Reconstructing ruins
Hiya T!  Saw this cool series of gifs about the ancient world and knew I had to send it along to you!  Mwah! 

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Mar 25, 2018 at 10:40 PM
Subject: Sunday sleepiness
Hiya T!  The sun has long set on this Sunday, and I am sliding off to my bed, thinking of you.  
I had a low key day, made ham & cheese omelettes for breakfast and goofed around on my computer looking for a new Tumblr to send you, without any success.  Maybe tomorrow!    
I had a late lunch with my gal pal at Greek Corner and caught up.  We went to see my niece and brother-in-law in the North Cambridge Family Opera’s world premiere of “Weedpatch” about the people who left Oklahoma in the 30s during the Dust Bowl for the promise of riches in CA that didn’t quite work out, and how they were segregated and managed to make their own community out there.  
I made chili with hot dogs, onions and cheese for supper.  Not high cuisine but tasty! 
Hope your weekend is ending well and you are facing the coming week with less than the usual blues. 
Something salacious here… mmmm…. insert what you’d most like me to be doing!  I enjoy being the gall who says YES!  Mwah! 

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