January 3, 2018 Wednesday
From: Sneezy
To: Sassy
Sent: Wed Jan 3, 2018 at 11:56 AM
Re: Happy New Year
Have you not returned to work yet?
From: Sassy
To: Sneezy
Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2018 12:10 PM
Re: Happy New Year
Hiya G! How are you this fine Wednesday?
I am back in the office. It is wicked quiet – less than half the staff are around. We’re prepping to work at home tomorrow due to the storm. Whee. Can you stay out of the snow? Is this a quiet time?
The annual rush on AM is on. I got photos, winks and messages in bunches yesterday!
One guy wrote three messages last night – very whiny! Like “Why don’t you read my profile?!” then “Okay… you read my profile… now please write me back? I wanna talk!” And then finally “Please please write to me?” *sigh His profile was a clear case of “you wouldn’t like me and you are not my type” so I was polite and told him that. Thank goodness he didn’t write back. Phew!
I did hear from The Northerner! He is back and horny!