Uptown Funk and Farm

September 19, 2015 Saturday

Time for a MASHUP!

Here’s 100 movie dance scenes synced to “Uptown Funk!” Whee!

Lunch with Mom at the Ninety-Nine.

Fantastic time at Wilson Farm!  Corn and more!

 Hardy Mums
 More mums – purple!
 Goose gourds? Never heard of em… strange.
 Ghost pumpkins. Never heard of em… strange!
 Daisies! Mom likes daises.
 Clematis! Saw this growing near my office yesterday…
 Begonias… beautiful colors.
 More fruit! Berries! And carrots. and cake.
 Inside… so busy!
 Dragon fruit. Heard of it, never seen it. Strange!
 Cakes that looks like cupcakes… fruit tarts… mmmm
 Pastries!  Sesame Street faces!
Prepared foods! Filled my cart with these… pasta salad, butternut squash, cole slaw, pulled pork, swedish meatballs and noodles, American chop suey, pork loin, brisket, steak slices… quick and easy dinners!
 Star Wars veggies?
 The farm
The greenhouse

Quiet Saturday supper – corn on the cob and pulled pork sandwiches with slaw and diet Mt Dew. Thanks Wilson Farm!

7:19pm Phil

Having fun!
[photo of the ocean from the deck of a house]
7:21pm Phil
[another photo of the ocean from the deck of a house]

7:21pm Phil
Our view


So envious!   Looks gorgeous and fun!

7:23pm Phil

It’s a pretty house. 
Rode the bike down. Fabulous.

7:25pm Phil

[stars coming out over the ocean]


7:29pm Phil
[a wine class on the railing of a deck, with the ocean beyond]


What did you get for supper?

9:15pm Phil

Pizza.   The best in the world right here at the beach.

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