Sneezy Sassy summary

October 7, 2015 Wednesday

During dinner last night, Sneezy asked me about the history of our interactions, and my history with AM, so I poked back through our emails and sent it to him. 
Since I don’t make him sneeze anymore, and with the way he looked at me with big puppy dog eyes, I had the feeling I would see him again very soon and we might finally get a room!  I wrote right back the next lunch time!  
I need a new nickname for him… 

From: Sassy
To: Sneezy
Date: Oct 7, 2015, 12:00 PM
Subject: Lunch
Good morning G! Hope your Wednesday is off to a grand start.
You are such a class act. Thanks again for a lovely dinner, and the best “dessert” I’ve had in a long while. I melted at your note. If I was going to make a manual for “what AM men should do” I would include your note. 🙂
Here’s more concrete details on our history and mine!
1) April 2013 – You wrote to me. I don’t recall anything about that… I didn’t answer. No idea why.
2) Oct 7, 2013 – (Yes, that is TWO years ago!) You wrote to me again. I answered. We wrote back and forth. You were very brief. Didn’t feel right. 

I politely told you to go away. You wrote back anyway and you were so charming… I met you the next day.
October 11, 2013 – we met for coffee at Starbucks and sat outside chatting. You walked me to my car and I gave you a very Sassy bj.
October 13, 2013 – we met in the parking lot in Somerville. You were allergic to me!
I went a little wild my first year on AM. You were the 16th man I met, and the first one to see me again.
I calmed way down in my second year on AM… I got tested – all clear.  I spent 3 months with NH Man #1 and then 7 months with NH Man #2. I was “on the shelf” for a year after he left in early October 2014. I met a couple of guys for coffee in March but nothing came of it. (Pun intended) Hope that’s not too scary!
Have a great day!

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