June 30, 2019 Sunday
From: Sassy
To: Josh
Sent: Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 12:09 PM
Subject: June tunes
Hiya Josh! Hope your June is ending well.
I am enjoying my second week of retirement! Wish you were here to go on adventures and tell me the best parts of being retired and how to avoid the bad parts.
The past 10 days have been an interesting mix of doing absolutely nothing, catching up on chores around home, and celebrating with friends and family. I find it a little odd that people consider retirement a major event to be celebrated, but I am okay with free fancy dinners and brunches!
I made it through my annual physical and a visit with the radiation oncologist. Rolling along and feeling good!
Hope life is treating you well and you will be up north again soon with time to meet a bodacious buxom Boston babe! Mwah!