June 1, 2019 Saturday
11:07 AM Sassy
Tasty Brunch at Mamaleh’s Delicatessen in Cambridge
Coffee cake
Sesame bagel with capers
Egg pastrami bagel sandwich
Warm noodle kugel
Raspberry blintzes
Most excellent sign
11:08 AM Sassy
I forgot to take a photo of my whitefish platter! It was a thing of beauty. And so special!
11:38 AM Sassy
Talk about cheese at brunch and this shows up!
11:45 AM Sassy
Beautiful Saturday here! Hope you’re seeing the sun and some fun!
Beautiful Saturday here! Hope you’re seeing the sun and some fun!
4:46 PM Sassy
Coconut shrimp and baked stuffed haddock at Jimmy’s Steer House in Arlington!
6:46 PM Sassy
Dessert at Lizzy’s Ice Cream In Harvard Square ..salted caramel chocolate pretzel ice cream!
8:48 PM Phil
Had a great day sweet girl. Hanging out on the porch
Had a great day sweet girl. Hanging out on the porch