April 28, 2019 Sunday
From: Greg
Will look forward to receiving your report:)
I didn’t understand that they had been daytime encounters. Where is your place of choice and how were you able to escape work?? I’m jealous!!
Have a great day!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Hiya G!
Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday! At least it’s not raining… yet.
Hubby and I went to the Cat Show yesterday! Probably the event you would be least likely to attend! It was good fun with beautiful felines, fun vendors and silly judging. A couple of Hubby’s lady friends came along and we had a nice Italian lunch at Alfredo’s.
Oh yes, we always meet during the day when he is supposed to be at work. I go out to the burbs close to where he works. We usually meet for a late lunch then head to a hotel for “dessert.” I make the hotel reservation so it doesn’t show up on his credit card, and he pays me back in cash. I can take all sorts of time off so that is not a challenge as long as I am not in the middle of some big event. Soon I will escape completely! 54 days….
I found a new source of naughty gifs to explore. Try this – not high class but worth clicking around? Start here and then click porn_gifs at the top to see other links. Enjoy!