Tempting Brett

March 16, 2019 Saturday

From: Sassy

To: Brett
Sent: Mar 16, 2019 at 12:32 PM
Subject: Sunny Saturday

Good afternoon Brett! Hope you are enjoying this warmer weather and seeing signs of spring!

I had a wacky week at work starting the prep for two more events. My last time through through these and my last big project! Woohoo!

My community project’s latest event went well last night! We had 30 people, which isn’t bad. It was one of those rare times when I got a tingle because all the prep combined to create a high level experience for everyone!

I’ve been having such fun watching the Iditarod Sled Dog Race from Alaska! So many mountains, mushers and doggies!

I’m hoping for a quiet Saturday… just had groceries delivered by Instacart from Wegmans, and ate bacon and cheese quiche for breakfast! Now I will set to work on chores. Whee.

Thinking about your hands and mouth and my chest! You have such a way of finding the spots that drive me wild. Mmm….


2 thoughts on “Tempting Brett

  1. Bathwater says:

    Why don't I get these type of emails?

  2. You haven't met a Sassy lady yet? 🙂 Thanks for dropping by.

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