February 10, 2019 Sunday
From: Sassy
To: Thad
Sent: Feb 10, 2019 at 9:11 PM
Subject: February fresh
Subject: February fresh
Hiya Thad! How are your days going? Hope you’re having some good ones.
I had my annual mammogram this week, and was wondering how your joust with the cancer cells is going.
My work continues – still hoping to retire in May or June and do other things.
My community project has been busy – had a fun fundraiser over the weekend with lots of laughter and a chunk of money for a good cause.
Still finding a few inspiring photos on Tumblr. Seems like they did the big purge and then forgot about it, so some of our favorites are getting away with posting. I hate to give them any clicks but I will until I find something else. If you have any recommendations, share!