January 7, 2019 Monday
4:12 PM Sassy
Enjoying a post-dr appt treat at Swissbäkers in the Smith Center at Harvard. I adore a ham & cheese croissant in the afternoon!
7:10 PM Sassy
[from a post to Facebook]
[from a post to Facebook]
Tonight I am remembering a winter night many years ago… the weather was an icy mess. I was home from 4th grade with the flu. My dad had just had surgery and was confined to his bed. My mom was 9 months pregnant with her third child. After dinner she called a church lady to ride with her as she drove to the hospital 12 miles away. About 3:30 am Dad woke me up shouting, “It’s a girl! 8 pounds, 9 oz!” Happy Birthday Sis!
9:15 PM Phil