November 30, 2018 Friday
From: Mr Truck
To: Sassy
Sent: Nov 30, 2018 at 8:44 AM
Subject: Audio Erotica
Hey there pretty voluptuous gal! How have you been, what adventures have you been on? I guess you’re still not writing but that’s ok. I still can share with you.
I heard this the other day and was surprised how erotic it was, in kind of a gentle humiliation way. The voice reminded me of you!
Are you at all into ASMR?
Happy holidays!
Miss you!
[5 minute audio of a woman speaking softly]
From: Sassy
To: Mr Truck
Sent: Nov 30, 2018 at 11:11 AM
Re: Audio Erotica
Hiya hot stuff!
How are you? What’s new? So awesome to hear from you.
Thanks for thinking of me and sending something sexy!!
More later. Mwah!
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