November 28, 2018 Wednesday
4:57 PM Sassy
How’s your Wednesday going?
I’m at the hospital again with my older sister
6:23 PM Phil
Everything ok?
6:23 PM Sassy
She’s slowly getting better.
6:24 PM Phil
Going to school with a much worse commute and hours of homework every night.
Happy to hear
6:24 PM Sassy
I found a hairbrush and took care of a massive bed head issue with braids and ordered her meatloaf for dinner!
6:25 PM Phil
Good sister
6:26 PM Sassy
Sis, her beau and I are splitting the days to keep her watched over
You learning lots?
6:27 PM Phil
That’s nice.
I am learning a lot. Exhausting days though
6:27 PM Sassy
Are there tests?
6:39 PM Phil
Yep! It’s great fun
6:40 PM Sassy