To: Sassy
Sent: Sun Jun 10, 2018 at 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: Junes tunes
So much has happened since our last meeting besides the good weather.
I’ve had a bad leg almost since we last met. It is mostly better and I can get around pretty well.
When I thought of you, I knew our normal activities would be off the table for a while, but it got me thinking. There had been no activity that I could recall that caused this, and as I was thinking of meeting with you, it struck me that we had a pretty long session the last time…. hmmmm…. the endorphins could have masked the pain that only showed up a day or two later….maybe. I’m now convinced that this was what happened.
Anyway, I feel pretty good now, and could be ready for another get together. I need to talk to you about another situation that has come up as a result of this episode. It means I’ll have to be a little more careful about meeting, but I feel it’s still worth the risk.
From: Sassy
To: Brett
Sent: Sun Jun 10, 2018 at 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: Junes tunes
So lovely to hear from you.
Sorry to hear about your leg! That must have been scary. Hope your hobbling days are done. If we need to adjust our activities, just let me know. Always want to keep you from harm.
Do you see a potential time coming up? I am eager to hold you and feel your arms around me.