March 6, 2018 Tuesday
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Tue Mar 6, 2018 at 5:46 AM
Subject: Still Smiling
Just walked dogs and still smiling!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Tue Mar 6, 2018 at 5:49 AM
Re: Still Smiling
Hiya T! Hi doggies! I’m smiling too! Mwah!
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Tue Mar 6, 2018 at 12:43 PM
Re: Still Smiling
Re: Here
Got a lot of work to get done by tomorrow night, so this will be brief, but if I hit my goal, my present to myself will be writing you a longer email!
I had one of my busiest days at work today that includes 30 new people to train. and I’m still smiling!!!! I think I will be smiling when I see you again!!!!
Now that my cock was very intimate with you, he wants to know if you will share your tumblr with him?
Take care with kisses hugs and groping with a big smile on my face,
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Tue Mar 6, 2018 at 6:00 PM
Subject: Tuesday trot
Hiya T!
Terrific to hear from you! I can not fathom being in a room with 30 people hanging on every word, much less having to deal with them all at once! You are a brave man.
Today was wild – people came at me from four directions!
1) Work is going okay – boss is pre-occupied catching up from being away and hasn’t bugged me. She is strangely cheerful. Yay.
2) My tax accountant asked 3 questions, all of which I could answer with a little online research! She sent me a draft of our tax forms – I still get a Federal refund and don’t owe MA too much! So relieved!!
3) Of course, the HVAC service guy set my heat pump on fire this afternoon. so no heat tonight and who knows how much a new motor will cost! Geesh.
4) I also put in a few minutes on community project stuff – asked for a quote from our printer for how much the our next job will cost to print. If we ask for a quote, it costs less than if we just hand over the .pdf for printing. I am trying to talk people into reading things on their phones or tablets so we save money and paper but it’s a tough transition.
I also proofed the document for an event next week, found 12 items to fix after everyone else said it was done. Heh.
Sharing my tumblr seems tricky… not much to do with you, but larger questions. In the mean time, it needs work to be marginally coherent and I’ve started that (tagging, putting in more stuff) – shouldn’t take too long, but I can only do it at home and I haven’t been home much the past few days! I am also puzzling over whether to share risque photos of me (without my face) there, or have a google drive file or something where I can control who sees them a bit more.
Hubby and I went out for a Chinese supper last night with his friend who tried to commit suicide twice last year. We spent Thanksgiving morning with her at McLean Hospital, took her turkey and pie. She is home now, working again, making progress but it’s tough. He has such patience with her, in that “can’t help himself much but is great with others!” way. She is quite pleasant to eat with… covers most of what is going on inside.
Tonight we’re off to La Casa de Pedro in Watertown with his lady friend who was on Jeopardy! Have you been? Venezuelan tapas!
Hubby has had an amazing spurt of productivity! I assigned him five tasks starting last Thursday, putting one on each work day. And he’s already done them all and asked what else he can help with! This is amazing and astonishing! I am heaping extra-crispy buckets of appreciation all over him.
I am luxuriating in memories of you… smiling at me, touching me, tasting me, pounding me, listening, talking… you are so special – sexy and smart and funny!