January 28, 2018 Sunday
7:47 AM Sassy
Sweet Sunday morning tune.
With love and motorcycles!
Castro – “Automatic” (Official Music Video)
8:20 AM Phil
Very pretty. Good morning!
8:25 AM Sassy
Got it from the Bangor Maine Police Department Facebook page. Lt who runs the page used to be a DJ, posts good tunes now and then.
7:37 PM Sassy
Sunday sushi at Hana in North Cambridge
7:37 PM Sassy
Sunday sushi at Hana in North Cambridge
Hubby’s sashimi deluxe
My nigiri – eel, egg and crab
10:37 PM Phil
10:40 PM Sassy
Watching the Grammys?
10:42 PM Phil
10:43 PM Sassy
Seen anything good?
10:44 PM Phil
Not the best one I have seen. Liked Sting and U2
10:44 PM Sassy
Who accepted for Carrie Fisher?
10:45 PM Phil
I’m a little behind, haven’t seen yet, distracted
10:55 PM Sassy
Ah… just found out they announced it during the pre-show.
10:57 PM Phil
Nite Sass, off to bed with me
10:57 PM Sassy
Sleep well dear man!
Sleep well dear man!