December 12, 2017 Tuesday
From: Sassy
To: Brett
Date: Tue Dec 12, 2017 at 12:50 PM
Re: December delights
Hiya Brett!
How can it only be Tuesday?! I am so ready to see you.
Just went for a walk… it is gross out – cold, wind, rain. Bleh. That got me wishing I was home under the covers and that led to thinking of you there. Mmm… perfect use of a rainy afternoon with your hands and mouth on me! And a certain other body part put to good use as well!
Hope your week is going well and the next 3 days will fly by so I can see you! Let me know if you want to meet for breakfast, lunch or just me. 🙂
From: Brett
To: Sassy
Date: Tue Dec 12, 2017 at 10:21 PM
Re: December delights
Counting the days to Friday. I’m trying to figure out Friday’s schedule, I have a doctor’s appointment in the AM, so not sure about lunch….