December 7, 2017 Thursday
8:31 AM Sassy
Good morning!
How are you doing?
12:27 PM Phil
Hey there! I’m good!
Busy as crap! Work is out of control but the days fly by
Busy as crap! Work is out of control but the days fly by
How you doing? Hope your day is good and cough gone!
12:29 PM Sassy
I am much better…still sniffling and coughing a little bit getting things done!
Thinking of you…wishing I could rub your feet and hear some stories.
2:17 PM Sassy
Gumbo and etouffé at Border Cafe! Helped a friend prep for a job interview.
2:59 PM Phil
Ha! I could use some down time. Doing three people’s jobs at the moment
3:01 PM Sassy