Getting things done

December 7, 2017 Thursday

8:31 AM Sassy
Good morning!
How are you doing?
12:27 PM Phil
Hey there! I’m good! 
Busy as crap! Work is out of control but the days fly by
How you doing? Hope your day is good and cough gone!
12:29 PM Sassy
I am much better…still sniffling and coughing a little bit getting things done!
Thinking of you…wishing I could rub your feet and hear some stories.

2:17 PM Sassy
Gumbo and etouffé at Border Cafe!  Helped a friend prep for a job interview.

2:59 PM Phil 
Ha! I could use some down time. Doing three people’s jobs at the moment
3:01 PM Sassy

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