Birthday beer, BJ and boob

September 21, 2017 Thursday

7:43 AM Sassy
Have a fantastic day!

7:47 AM Phil
Now that’s a birthday cake! Thank you!
Enjoy the day!

8:47 AM Sassy
Wish I was with you.
I’d give you the best birthday blow job ever!

[photo of me in my blue night shirt in the bathroom with my hair down]

10:05 AM Phil
Ha! Blow the candle

10:08 AM Sassy
Certainly hope it burns bright

10:34 AM Phil
You look freshly showered

11:10 AM Sassy
Coulda used your help

12:06 PM Phil
[a Snoopy icon dancing]

7:54 PM Sassy
Dinner at Jimmy’s Steer House in Arlington

Hubby’s swimming pool sized margarita
A salad for me!
Hubby’s teriyaki steak and stuffed lobster tail combo
Baked stuffed scrod with spinach rice pilaf
8:40 PM Phil
Loved the pic today! Thank you!
Always delighted to enjoy your wonderful assets!
Hope you had a great day sexy girl!
8:41 PM Sassy
You are most welcome!
8:43 PM Phil
[graphic of two little animals in formal attire – one is kissing the other on the cheek and a heart is above them]
8:44 PM Sassy
9:23 PM Phil
Oh Sassy! That’s an amazing birthday gift! Thank you!
Made me spring to attention!
You know what I like!
9:24 PM Sassy
You betcha!
9:24 PM Phil
Would love to take advantage of that blow job!
Love ya Sass!
You make me smile and that’s priceless.
You are so special to me.
9:31 PM Sassy
Awwww… you are so sweet. Thank you kid.
9:39 PM Phil
It’s true.
If you had any idea how many times I have um
pleasured myself thinking of you…
9:40 AM Sassy
I’m so glad
It stunned me when you first told me
9:41 AM Phil
Did not surprise me.
You were hot in high school and hotter now.
9:41 AM Sassy
I imagine you in the military far away remembering our teenage shenanigans
9:46 AM Phil
Oh that happened. I remember so vividly touching you, kissing you, still the most amazing times of my life. It’s all crystal clear, I can still feel you, smell the powder on your breasts. Remember slipping my fingers inside you on the school bus and tasting you.
9:51 AM Sassy
I’m going to back there Saturday for reunion.
Will probably think of you often.
9:54 PM Phil
Oh cool! I hope it’s fun!

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