May 19, 2017 Friday
7:36 AM Sassy
Happy Friday!
7:46 AM Phil
Happy Friday! Busy but great week!
Bailing early to go to the beach.
Concert tomorrow in Manassas. Fins up!
7:47 AM Sassy
I signed up for my HS reunion FB group.
Having fun getting them to talk.
Not sure about the friend requests…
7:52 AM Phil
Cool. I’m glad I went. Re-kindled some old friendships and was really nice to see how people have developed over the years. I friended some and others not
8:12 AM Sassy
Political stuff on people’s FB is making my skin crawl but I’m trying to look beyond it.
8:24 AM Phil
Hear you. I have a few friends like that. I try to ignore it as they are entitled to their opinion. That’s why I try to stay away from politics on Facebook. I’m pro LGBT, feel a woman has a right to choose, pro equality, pro police, pro patriotism, pro military, pro religion, believe in working my ass off for what I have and believe everyone else should too. I’m anti welfare, respect the Civil War and the monuments and symbols toward it. It was a critical part of American History and shouldn’t be forgotten. I don’t like the confederate flag, hate racism and bigotry but believe if you pull a weapon on a cop, you deserve to be shot. I’m a republican but think Trump is a horse’s ass. I don’t post that stuff though. I prefer to post a smile, a tolerant fun approach to life and good times
9:48 AM Sassy
Amen. Mostly. You are my #1 lesson in not to judge by a surface label, to dig deeper and find the fantastic guy underneath.
12:58 PM Phil
What’s wrong with my surface?
1:03 PM Sassy
The word Republican is scary.
Military used to scare me.
Not wrong…just different in ways that are usually tough for me to deal with.
1:17 PM Phil
I’m not a real Republican, I’m just not a Democrat. I’ve always been a bit rough and tumble and rough around the edges though. Arrgggg
1:19 PM Sassy
I know that now.
It was a surprise 7 years ago.
Has been very helpful as I adventured into online dating.
Though it seems tougher since November…
1:28 PM Phil
what did I do wrong in November?
1:30 PM Sassy
Not you! It seems harder to overlook politics since the election
Like when a man’s dating profile id is TrumpFan4U….
1:33 PM Phil
That sure as hell isn’t me.
I never liked the dude.
American politics are a disaster.
I don’t see any up and comers either.
I’m gonna vote for the Rock next time
5:01 PM Sassy
I’ve been on a beet salad kick – seems like the perfect summer meal! Here’s a great example from Orinoco, the Venezuelan tapas restaurant in Harvard Square. I also had one from The Just Crust. So tasty!