Deep penetration

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March 6, 2017 Monday
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Mar 6, 2017 at 6:12 AM
Subject: Monday again!
It’s Monday! Time to get up this brisk, freezing morning and attack the world! Once up, the hard part is over and it’s practically Tuesday (and warmer)!
I did FASFA for kids financial aid. Hate doing that and it took hours! We use an accountant for taxes, thank goodness.  
John Henry and I were playing last night, thinking of bending you over the bed in front of your mirror! It was so erotic and you are so beautiful! I was remembering how tight and wet you are and how perfectly I fit in you! Can’t wait until the day it is not just a fantasy!
Hugs with deep penetration and many orgasms!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Mar 6, 2017 at 9:45 PM
Re: Monday again!
Hiya T!  Hope your Monday sailed along smoothly.
I’ve heard the financial aid stuff is a bear.  Never had to do that.  My dad, bless his heart, did mine when I was in college.  How many more years of that for you?  
I finished up the tax prep and made an appointment to see my new tax accountant on Thursday morning.  I uploaded 13 files to her secure server.  I’ll take the papers to her in a take-out sushi bag.  Heh.  Hope she doesn’t find a bunch more stuff I need to dig up! 
I finished the big data project at work today!  My days should be calmer now so I can take lunch and write to you!  
Good news!  Gigi’s new power cord arrived today! After a few hours of charging, I will be able to buzz again with my purple friend.  😉 
Mmmm… hot fantasy… a bed… a mirror… JH and me… whee!  So glad I can inspire fun times in your mind that excite your body!  The word “deep?” A good one! 
Keep misbehaving! 

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