Bye bye Bao Bao

February 16, 2017 Thursday

7:22 AM Sassy
Bye bye Bao Bao. On to China!

The zoo — and Washington — prepares to say goodbye to its ‘miracle’ giant panda

The transfers are part of a long-standing arrangement with China, whereby any giant panda cubs born in the United States must go to China around age 4 to breed. China owns all giant pandas in the United States and leases them to American zoos.

Explore anything

February 15, 2017 Wednesday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Wed Feb 15, 2017 at 8:12 AM
Subject: Hump Day Again!

Happy hump day! We will have to meet some Wednesday to truly celebrate hump day!
I did not sleep at all last night! The dogs slept on me and I kept rolling over and was up like every hour! I am in a foul mood and am trying to refocus for class! They usually put me in a good mood. But I have to admit that your email made John Henry happy! He can’t wait to “see” you Friday!
As for plan B: my house is an option, but I know you have reservations so I will put it out there but not push it!
Keep thinking of all your fantasies and I will fulfill them all! If we go to a hotel, will you bring some toys, or at least Gigi?
Hugs with the thought of fulfilled fantasies!
Take care,

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Wed Feb 15, 2017 at 1:32 PM
Subject: I survived my whining!
I survived the day, training part at least! Feeling better once I actually start teaching! Just have a meeting, then I truly won!
Have you been watching Trump unravel? It is so much fun! Hilary should start chanting, “lock him up”! But she does have class.
I tell you every time I see an email from you, John Henry stands at attention!
Hope your day went well and we only have to wake up twice before we intertwine our bodies!
Hugs with passionate oral sex!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Wed Feb 15, 2017 at 1:38 PM
Re: I survived my whining!
Hiya T!  Sounds like you are winning this Wednesday despite some rather high odds!  
I am making it through hour-by-hour, making sure this fancy guest gets from one meeting to another.  He is pleasant enough and appreciates not having to figure out where he is supposed to be when.  I am counting the minutes until I am done and can catch a Lyft home! 
It helps to have Friday to think about.  Anticipation is such a marvelous thing!  
I will show you all my toys no matter where we are!  I’ve been consolidating them into one bag and charging up the batteries.  Whee!  You are going to get a quick course in vibrators!  
So glad John Henry is perky.  He deserves some fun!  
More later!  Must run! 

From Yahoo chat: 

Feb 15, 9:03 PM

knock, knock anyone out there?

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Wed Feb 15, 2017 at 10:52 PM
Re: I survived my whining!
I was working on the computer and was hoping to find you tonight, guess it was my loss. After my training day started today, my day got much better!
Just pray we have work tomorrow so there are no wrenches thrown into our Friday! I so need to see you, hug you and talk, cuddle, have hot passionate love making! I so want to explore with you! You are so hot, passionate, brilliant and beautiful. Please do not hesitate if you have any fantasy you wish to explore. I am open minded and would explore anything with you. I want, need to satisfy you as much as you do me!
Please let me know where you want to meet Friday so I can prepare. I am so excited to see you!
Hugs with our naked bodies rubbing each other!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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Westminster Doggies

February 15, 2017 Wednesday

2:53 PM Sassy
Doggies! Westminster photos are so fun. The komondor gets me every time.
PHOTOS: At Westminster, Rumor Wins — But They’re All Good Dogs

Rumor the German shepherd basks in the attention 
after winning Best In Show at the 
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Tuesday. 
She beat out a field of more than 2,800 dogs to take the top prize.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Arms and boobs

February 14, 2017 Valentine’s Day

From: Brett
To: Sassy
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at 9:57 PM
RE: Wishes
It’s Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t let it go by without sending best wishes.  

Can you believe that my cold is still lingering?  I feel Okay but the cough continues…not bad, but it’s enough to keep me from a) feeling too frisky and b) giving it to someone else.  Not sure if yours has gone…I can only hope so.  So much has happened since we last got together.
We should think about another meeting soon, but I’d like to have this cough behind me first. 
Love the snow…can’t get enough of the shovelling.  I haven’t even broken out the snowblower yet.  How are you doing?
From: Sassy
To: Brett
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at 10:50 PM
Re: Wishes
Hiya Brett, 
I am so touched to have your message! Thank you Brett. Hope you got spoiled today.  
This holiday has not meant much to me for a long time, and romantic love is a subject fraught with peril in my life, but I do so enjoy being kindly thought of and given best wishes in such a sweet way.  You are such a special man.  I appreciate it more than I can say. I feel so lucky to know you. 
I am so sorry to hear you are still coughing!  That sucks!  Here’s hoping it goes away very soon!  Whenever it does I am ready to see you!  My cold is long gone.  We will be together and give each other so much.  I look forward to your hands on me.  And your mouth on me.  And hearing what has gone on!  
Love the snow?  You are wacky!  This week has renewed my conviction that my choice to live in a condo with underground parking was the best decision of my life!  
How is your dad?  I hope they found ways to make him more comfortable! 
I am doing well.  I saw the Super Bowl at a friend’s birthday party – the first football game I’ve watched in eons – and it perked me up a lot!  Work is too busy but should be calmer soon.  I hired a student intern from way up North and thought of you.  
Hubby has a stress fracture in his lower leg that means he should not walk, so I am doing double-duty so he stays off his feet.  My community project rolls along toward a big event at the end of the month.  And my mother’s estate continues to vex me.  I helped six refugees get around the Muslim ban in my small way, so that is making me smile.  
I am sending you healing vibes.  Please try new things to banish that cough.  And make your way to my arms and boobs soon!


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Be My Valentine

February 14, 2017 Tuesday Valentine’s Day
From: TimmyTIm
To: Sassy
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at 6:03 AM
Subject: Tuesday Already!
This sort of weather really throws me for a loop – it’s Tuesday, but feels like Monday! I only have to wake up three more times until I get to be with you!
So let’s bound out of bed and take on this day, for our reward at the end of the week will be well worth it!
Can’t wait to see you and neither can John Henry! He so “up” for this Friday, he’s got a mind of his own. And you inspire it all!
Hugs and some naughtiness!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: TimmyTIm
To: Sassy
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at 7:01 AM
Subject: Be my valentine?
Almost forgot: Happy Valentines Day!
Would you be my Valentine this year?

Remember, he was a Roman! We could properly celebrate Friday!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTIm
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at 7:45 AM
Re: Be my valentine?
Awwww… You are so sweet!  I’m happy to be your special secret lady!  
Have a terrific Tuesday T!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: TimmyTIm
To: Sassy
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at 9:52 AM
Re: Be my valentine?
Did you know that the Romans thought that the seat of one’s emotions was the rectum, not the heart! (Makes sense if you consider where you feel nervous)
This might also be the subliminal reason for some of your recent searches! 😉 LOL
Thinking of you and Friday!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: TimmyTIm
To: Sassy
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at 3:09 PM
Re: Be my valentine?
Hope you had a great day! I was thinking of you all day but I have to admit I was a grinch of sorts to my students.  I gave them the real story about St. Valentine which is not so romantic.  Guess I’m trying to keep their hormones in check!  I only have three days to catch up with the curriculum and I’m running them ragged!
So glad you will be my secret Valentine.  I look forward to thanking you Friday in person.  I think you’ll like my thank you.
How was your day? Keep the boss in check? Get caught up on your work?
Now will Hubby”s leg be a problem for our Friday triste?  Do you want to work on a plan B? I really want to make this work!
Hugs and blown kisses for now.  Hope to hear back from you soon!
Take care,
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTIm
Date: Tue Feb 14, 2017 at  10:58 PM
Re: Be my valentine?
Hiya!  Hope you had a wonderful day and got spoiled in some way.  I am thinking of ways to do it on Friday.  
I had a crazy day at work but the worst should be over after tomorrow once a big event is done.  
Hubby saw the orthopedic dr. this afternoon.  They put him in a boot and cane and told him to stay off it for 2 weeks.  I had to race out of work to find him because he could not drive home!  If he does not improve a lot, he can’t go away Friday.  My current Plan B thought is to get a hotel room Thursday night close by my place and meet you there Friday morning.  If you have other ideas, let me know.  I want to see you no matter what!  
Thank you again for being my Valentine.  I haven’t had one in a long time and it feels so lovely!  

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Drooling over Mr. Darcy

February 14, 2017 Tuesday

7:57AM Sassy
Good morning kid! Have a terrific Tuesday!

7:58 AM Phil
Good morning! Happy Valentine’s Day!

7:58 AM Sassy
Awww…thanks Philip. Mwah!

12:40 AM Sassy
Here’s my chance to drool over the various men who have played Mr. Darcy, and learn about what the academics think he may have looked like.

‘Real’ Mr Darcy was nothing like Colin Firth, academics say

The ‘historically accurate’ portrait of Mr Darcy looks starkly
 different to Colin Firth who portrayed him in the BBC drama

Beech Day Story

February 13, 2017 Monday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Feb 13, 2017 at 10:12 AM
Subject: Monday mwah
Good morning T!  Hope your Monday is off to a marvelous start!  I’m blowing kisses your way!!
I’m home.  The weather and need to keep Hubby off his feet combined to make it a sensible choice.  I have zero motivation to do anything but am gathering my wits to do some work and laundry.  Whee!  
I’d rather lie in bed and fantasize about you and me and Friday.  Your hands and the magic they do are on my mind today… Everything from a soft stroke of my wrist to an ass grab in the midst of hot pounding sex! 
Have a special day! 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Feb 13, 2017 at 2:31 PM
RE: Monday mwah
Been snow blowing, then helping my elderly neighbor with his! I’m only doing all this work so I can get a massage from you Friday! 
Last night was fun and you are so special! I am so lucky we found each other. 
Just had a grilled cheese sandwich and some hot tea and I’m out again to finish the walk and inspect the roof!
Hope to write a better, at least better rested, letter later. Was hoping to find a story or picture! But I can keep fantasizing with just the memories of last time!
Keep warm, and have a wonderful day!
Hugs and back massages!
Take care,

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Feb 13, 2017 at 2:48 PM
Subject: Beech Day
Here’s the link to a hiking story I wrote with some sexy photos. Enjoy!  
[No… I didn’t send him to my blog – I gave him the URL for a Google doc.]
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Monday, February 13, 2017 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: Beech Day
What a lovely story! Great way to unwind from all that shoveling! Haven’t had time to look up your enema site yet. Started to last night but got side tracked on a water sport site! Guess we are both “bad”!
Hope to write back later!
Maybe we can act out part of that story!
Hugs with an erection!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Feb 13, 2017 at 8:32 PM
Subject: Thinking of you
Thinking of you and what a massage you could give me. Stretch my back out with a happy ending! Hope you are enjoying your evening!
I really wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and you are wanted, desired, and needed. You are sexy, beautiful, brilliant and I am lucky to be your friend!
Sleep well!
A big hug that friends give each other when they haven’t seen each other in weeks!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Feb 13, 2017 at 9:04 PM
Re: Beech Day
Hiya T!  Thanks! Glad it could help you unwind.  That’s one of the few mountains I’ve actually hiked up.  
What counts as water sports?  I’m betting it’s not synchronized swimming… 
I’ve been productive today – 3 loads of laundry, kept Hubby off his feet, finally canceled my landline with Verizon… even did a little work I was supposed to be doing all day.  Heh.  
Have to get up early to let the cleaners in, so I am collapsing into bed.  I am going to let thoughts of you wash away all the concerns of the day, just focus on that twinkle in your eye and JH’s girth.  😉 
Sleep well dear man!  

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Canceled my landline

February 13, 2017 Monday

10:02 AM Sassy
Good morning kid!

7:33 PM Sassy
End of an era. Canceled my landline today! Bye bye Verizon!

11:22 PM Sassy
Wow. Not even a month in and the scandal has started.

Michael Flynn Has Just Resigned As National Security Adviser

Talk tonight

February 12, 2017 Sunday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sun Feb 12, 2017 at 8:19 AM
Subject: In the news
Did you see The Boston Globe today?  I am reading it and thinking of you! 
From: Sassy 
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sun, Feb 12, 2017 11:32 PM 
Subject: Sunday snow 
Hiya T!  Sitting in the parking lot at Target thinking of you! 

The cats ran out of food so I had to venture out.  It’s snowing again.  Bleh.  Hope you are hanging in out there.
My meeting got cancelled so I will be home in a few minutes and staying there!  Ping or call or whatever if you have time and the inclination!  
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: Sunday snow
It’s not the inclination, it’s the “free” time thing! Thinking of you all the time. I’ve been out on a ladder getting ice dams under control before this stuff turns to wintery mix!
You never told me how you were after your day of doctors? I hope you are not overly stressed and hubby is ok?
Could you talk tonight between 8:00 and 9:00?
Well got to get the last bit done! Hope to talk tonight!
Hugs with a back massage!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTIm
Date: Sun Feb 12, 2017 at 3:09 PM
Re: Sunday snow
Hiya T!  
Oh my… ice dams.  Heard of those…evil.  Hope you vanquished them!  I worry about you on a ladder in this weather!  Eep!  
Hubby is doing okay – he has a stress fracture of the tibia.  They told him to stay off it until the orthopedic doctor chimes in, so I am doing a lot of stuff so he can stay still.  Hope he can start getting better – both for him and because I need him to do stuff!  
You can call me anytime.  Or ping here and we’ll chat.  Whatever works.  I’m going to nap now so I should be awake by 8!  I will be available for you!  I may say naughty things… mwah! 
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 8:23 PM
Subject: Let’s talk?
Ready to talk if you are!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TImmyTim
Date: Sun Feb 12, 2017 at 8:30 PM
Re: Let’s talk?
Yay!  Phone or chat?  
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Sun Feb 12, 2017 at 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: Let’s talk? 
Phone. Do you got my number?
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
We talked for almost an hour.  It went by so fast.  I could’ve kept on but he had to get to sleep.  It is such a treat to hear his voice!  
We mostly talked logistics for his visit, and a bit of fantasizing about what we’ll do when he’s here.  Mmm… 
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: Let’s talk?
Awesome talk! Your voice is so sexy! 

Can’t wait til we talk face to face Friday!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: Timmytim
Date: Sun Feb 12, 2017 at 9:31 PM
Re: Let’s talk?
Thank you T… I was just writing to tell you how wonderful you make me feel… your voice, your words.. mmmm.  
Please let this week fly!  

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Dancing world

February 12, 2017 Sunday

9:11 AM Sassy
The perfect winter morning breakfast – ham and cheese omelette with an English muffin with raspberry jam and OJ!

10:55 AM Sassy
Good morning kid!
It’s snowing again!

10:58 AM Phil
Good morning! 70 here

10:59 AM Sassy

12:50 PM Sassy
Snow! This is the back side of my building with the cold white stuff everywhere! Had to go out for cat food, happy to be getting home and staying there!

[photo of buildings and cars and snow on the ground with a few tire tracks]
3:34 PM Sassy
Fun video of people dancing all over the world to a peppy Justin Timberlake tune!
