With an erection

February 20, 2017 Monday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Feb 20, 2017 at 7:18 PM
Re: Sunday night
I hope you are not thinking over the dumb things I said!  I can’t chat tonight, I was working today and I think I caught a great break – making connections to make more money on a different project. (Could be the shot in the arm I so desperately need right now!)
I hopefully will be able to write later!  Have a great night and John Henry would rather chat with you!
Hugs with an erection!
Take care,

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Your panty gusset

Mr Truck tries to get in touch.  He forgets that Yahoo chat doesn’t ping me anymore, so he should email me first.  So I don’t see it for days and he doesn’t see my replies and… sigh.  At least he tries!  

He is so predictable… wants to know if I am willing to meet.  Doesn’t ever make a meet happen, just wants to know if I will.  At least I know better not to get my hopes up.  sigh

He does have such a sexy way with words! 

Here’s the exchange from the past week:


from Yahoo chat

Truck Feb 16, 1:13 PM

Hey darlin’ 
how are you doing?
still have that boyfriend who’s taking care of all your needs? 😉


Sassy Feb 17, 10:56 PM
Hiya hot stuff! 
How’re you doing? 
I’m rolling along… 
never see anyone enough to meet my need but I have a new toy that helps!


Truck Feb 18, 1:40 PM
Ah new toys are always news!
Might you ever still be interested in getting together again?
Gonna have a few days next month 
March 9-11 free

Truck Feb 18, 2:24 PM
Weather is getting better!

Sassy Feb 18, 7:17 PM
Sure! Let’s see what we can work out. 😉


Truck Feb 20, 1:29 PM
Wow I’m so excited you’re at least enthusiastic about the possibility!
I’ve been fantasizing a lot about how it would be to photograph you in various stages of undress and stages of arousal

Truck Feb 20, 2:07 PM
Using my finger, I want to slowly and gently trace the folds of your pussy lips, from outside your panties, while kissing and fondling your creamy white inner thighs and tummy…keep it up until you make a wet spot in your panty gusset…

Chat #4 The Trainer Memories and Fantasies

February 19, 2017 Sunday

From: TimmyTim

To: Sassy
Date: Sunday, February 19, 2017 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: Saturday signs

my brain is still in a daze! you up for a chat?


From: Sassy

To: TimmyTim
Date: Sun Feb 19, 2017 at 12:49 PM
Re: Saturday signs

Hiya! Did I miss you? Waaaaah!

Hope you’re having a fun Sunday.

What is dazing you? Which memories are uppermost?

So happy to hear I can give you sexy things to think about.



From: TimmyTim

To: Sassy
Date: Sunday, February 19, 2017 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Saturday signs


Hope you are still there!


From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sun Feb 19, 2017 at 1:01 PM
Re: Saturday signs

I am here. Where are you? 🙂

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from Yahoo chat

Tim Feb 19, 12:22 PM
you around at all
Sassy Feb 19, 12:47 PM
Did I miss you?
Tim Feb 19, 12:58 PM
no, i am here
i had a wild mind blowing time
hope we did not miss each other
just email if back on, i made it ding so i’ll know you are on
Sassy Feb 19, 12:59 PM
I’m here!
Tim Feb 19, 1:02 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 1:02 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:02 PM
i got about an hour
Sassy Feb 19, 1:02 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:02 PM
you were so awesome friday
i all i can think about
Sassy Feb 19, 1:02 PM
Awwww… you were HOT
What are you remembering?
Tim Feb 19, 1:03 PM
I loved when we were making love from behind
Sassy Feb 19, 1:03 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:03 PM
you are the perfect fit for me
John Henry gets hard every time i think back
what about you
Sassy Feb 19, 1:04 PM
So many great moments…
Tim Feb 19, 1:04 PM
what did you like the best
Sassy Feb 19, 1:05 PM
I enjoyed you watching me play and then enhancing it
I enjoyed you in my mouth
And you deep inside me… the look on your face
Tim Feb 19, 1:05 PM
you fufilled my fanasy of watching you masturbate
Sassy Feb 19, 1:05 PM
It was weird at first but you made it good
Tim Feb 19, 1:06 PM
so glad
i learned how your body worked and now know how to pleasure more
Sassy Feb 19, 1:06 PM
That was brilliant… never had that
Tim Feb 19, 1:07 PM
me too
I also liked cumming on your belly
Sassy Feb 19, 1:07 PM
I liked when you opened your coat and John Henry was making such a big tent
Tim Feb 19, 1:08 PM
that was all you, beautiful
Sassy Feb 19, 1:08 PM
Never had that either… seemed so intimate
Tim Feb 19, 1:09 PM
it was very intimate, don’t ever want to lose that
you just get me sooooo….
Sassy Feb 19, 1:10 PM
That makes my day… you deserve it!
Sassy makes me believe I’m sexy
Tim Feb 19, 1:11 PM
oh, you are!!!!
Just wish it never ended
what have you been doing on your vacation
Sassy Feb 19, 1:12 PM
Not a lot… it’s glorious!
Tim Feb 19, 1:12 PM
went out yesterday with my step daughter
Sassy Feb 19, 1:14 PM
That must be a nice escape…
Tim Feb 19, 1:14 PM
we have been doing the same outing each season 
amazing to see it in the different light
Sassy Feb 19, 1:15 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:16 PM
i love being out and about 
planning big trips for the summer 
Sassy Feb 19, 1:17 PM
I used to do a lot of that
Tim Feb 19, 1:18 PM
We have fun planning and then even more doing it

Sassy Feb 19, 1:19 PM
I hope you’ll share some photos? 
Tim Feb 19, 1:19 PM

Sassy Feb 19, 1:19 PM
My dad always took amazing photos.  
Tim Feb 19, 1:20 PM
I do have a fantasy about you, outside
Sassy Feb 19, 1:20 PM
Oh? My my… 
Tim Feb 19, 1:21 PM
Always had the fantasy 
but now I have a face to put in the fantasy
Sassy Feb 19, 1:21 PM
The thought is kinda scary but you could probably make it okay
Tim Feb 19, 1:22 PM
have you seen any new sexy things online?
Sassy Feb 19, 1:22 PM
Oh yes…
Tim Feb 19, 1:22 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 1:23 PM
even saw photos this morning! With naked women on them!
Tim Feb 19, 1:23 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 1:23 PM
and I checked skincast
Tim Feb 19, 1:24 PM
let me take a quick look!
i see a theme on that site!
Sassy Feb 19, 1:24 PM
There’s a wild video… something I’ve never seen before
know about glory holes?
Tim Feb 19, 1:25 PM
ill have to check it out, but until then, what happened
Sassy Feb 19, 1:25 PM
I’ve seen lots with the woman sucking the man
Tim Feb 19, 1:25 PM
but id rather see your face
Sassy Feb 19, 1:25 PM
But this had a woman’s legs and holes sticking through, and the guy was giving her oral or fucking her!
Tim Feb 19, 1:26 PM
you are so cute
Sassy Feb 19, 1:26 PM
They had pasted a crude drawing of her face on the wall above the hall. Wacky!
Tim Feb 19, 1:26 PM
i like the thought
but yes that is weird
Sassy Feb 19, 1:26 PM
So all these men are standing around a room with like 8 holes and women’s parts coming out of them!
Tim Feb 19, 1:27 PM
sounds like japanese porn
Sassy Feb 19, 1:27 PM
Looked Russian
Tim Feb 19, 1:27 PM
ah post-Soviet porn,  Ha
Sassy Feb 19, 1:27 PM
When do you go away?
Tim Feb 19, 1:28 PM
i leave tuesday
might have time to chat monday night
Sassy Feb 19, 1:28 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:29 PM
oh, how i want to be in your arms
but we never took pictures friday
Sassy Feb 19, 1:29 PM
I know! I thought of it once but we were…. 
I’ll put my phone nearby so I can just grab it
next time
Tim Feb 19, 1:29 PM
yeah, once you get me going, John Henry takes over
Sassy Feb 19, 1:30 PM
When you asked about me having looked at my pussy, I was thinking you could take a photo or two
Good for us both
Tim Feb 19, 1:30 PM
yes it would
you have no picture?
Sassy Feb 19, 1:30 PM
Not of that area.
Tim Feb 19, 1:30 PM
I thought any guy would want that memento
Sassy Feb 19, 1:30 PM
Lots  of my other parts!
Tim Feb 19, 1:30 PM
like what
Sassy Feb 19, 1:31 PM
I am trying to find a way I can post them somewhere online where you could look when you want but they wouldn’t be on your phone
Tim Feb 19, 1:31 PM
i would only open on computer
Sassy Feb 19, 1:31 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:32 PM
then delete after so they never appear on the phone
Sassy Feb 19, 1:32 PM
Browse incognito or clear the history and mostly safe.
Tim Feb 19, 1:32 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 1:32 PM
It’s tricky but Google docs may work
Like that link I sent you with the story
Tim Feb 19, 1:33 PM
lets try
could you resend in an email, i do clean my emails for safety
Sassy Feb 19, 1:33 PM
Resend what?
Tim Feb 19, 1:34 PM
the google docs link
Sassy Feb 19, 1:34 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:36 PM
is there anything you desire that we did not try
Sassy Feb 19, 1:36 PM
Oh yes… I need to make a list. 🙂
Okay… I tried something different
Tim Feb 19, 1:36 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 1:38 PM
I sent it so in theory only you can see it, through your Yahoo account
Tell me if that let’s you in
In theory, it sent you an invite with a special URL
If that works, I will feel much safer about sharing photos
The way I shared the story was to make it public before, so anyone with the link could see. Because linking to Yahoo accounts from Google sometimes doesn’t work
Tim Feb 19, 1:39 PM
not working yet, but I need time to play
maybe we could look the next time we meet
Sassy Feb 19, 1:40 PM
I just accepted a request from Franco… may I share with that account?
Tim Feb 19, 1:41 PM
let me make a new one since I open that at school, so do not accept
Sassy Feb 19, 1:41 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:41 PM
I will do so before monday chat
Sassy Feb 19, 1:41 PM
okay. We’ll figure it out.
I hate that it won’t work with other email
Tim Feb 19, 1:41 PM
you did not accept, right
i know
Sassy Feb 19, 1:42 PM
I think I did, let me look
Tim Feb 19, 1:43 PM
do you have any fantasy that we did not do friday
Sassy Feb 19, 1:44 PM
You standing beside the bed by the mirror
me sucking on you
So you can see it in the mirror and I can see too
Tim Feb 19, 1:45 PM
that turns me on too
Sassy Feb 19, 1:45 PM
You in my kitchen
Doing various things. 😉
Tim Feb 19, 1:45 PM
that sound delicious
Sassy Feb 19, 1:45 PM
So when I go in there… memories!
You in my shower
Tim Feb 19, 1:45 PM
wow, you have made my brain mush
Sassy Feb 19, 1:46 PM
Getting me clean… then dirty
then clean again
Tim Feb 19, 1:46 PM
like that
Sassy Feb 19, 1:46 PM
You have any?
There’s 3 to muddle your mind. 🙂
Tim Feb 19, 1:46 PM
did you like it when i put my finger in your ass?
Sassy Feb 19, 1:47 PM
I’m still deciding about that
Been thinking about it
Tim Feb 19, 1:47 PM
i should have added lube 
and we should have talked about it
Sassy Feb 19, 1:47 PM
Definitely willing to keep trying stuff
Tim Feb 19, 1:47 PM
it was erotic
Sassy Feb 19, 1:47 PM
Oh good!
Tim Feb 19, 1:49 PM
i want to plesae you in all different ways
you are so erotic and sexy
you still there
Sassy Feb 19, 1:49 PM
I was having trouble shutting up “real me”
It will get easier…
Tim Feb 19, 1:51 PM
why, don’t, you are sexy and should explore to know what makes you happy
i want to make you happy
because that makes me happy
Sassy Feb 19, 1:52 PM
Sassy is sailing along, enjoying experimenting, and “real me” is yelling about germs and being a hussy
Tim Feb 19, 1:52 PM
we can bring in wipes or just explore new avenues
Sassy Feb 19, 1:52 PM
You are in a class by yourself that way
Tim Feb 19, 1:53 PM
i dont want you to be uncomfortable
Sassy Feb 19, 1:53 PM
I appreciate that so much
Tim Feb 19, 1:53 PM
do you have a favorite position with me yet
Sassy Feb 19, 1:53 PM
They all have their plusses… want to try more
Tim Feb 19, 1:54 PM
yes, all
Sassy Feb 19, 1:54 PM
and re-do many of them
Was also thinking of using the mirror for doggy, so I can see your face and you can see mine
Tim Feb 19, 1:55 PM
we should explore on internet together first
then have a common idea of how to proceed
Sassy Feb 19, 1:55 PM
Sounds great! 
Fill those lonely days when you are there and I am here
Tim Feb 19, 1:55 PM
but mirror sound awesome
Sassy Feb 19, 1:55 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:55 PM
john henry is
Sassy Feb 19, 1:56 PM
He is amazing…
Tim Feb 19, 1:56 PM
i just want to be in your arms so bad
Sassy Feb 19, 1:56 PM
Did you have fun seeing all the toys?
Tim Feb 19, 1:56 PM
i like them
Sassy Feb 19, 1:56 PM
Wacky, most of them
Tim Feb 19, 1:57 PM
gigi anf John Henry are friends
Sassy Feb 19, 1:57 PM
Tim Feb 19, 1:57 PM
do you like to use them with me
Sassy Feb 19, 1:57 PM
I need to learn more about them… 
I am pretty much only what you saw… 
must be other fun things to do
Tim Feb 19, 1:57 PM
yes, we can explore together
Sassy Feb 19, 1:57 PM
I need to find more ways to give you pleasure with them
Tim Feb 19, 1:58 PM
using them on you gave me great pleasure
Sassy Feb 19, 1:58 PM
I get so brainless… 
look back now and think “Why didn’t I do X” or say Y…
No brain. Duh
Tim Feb 19, 1:58 PM
your face, watching it go in and out of you was amazing
Sassy Feb 19, 1:59 PM
I was making faces?
Tim Feb 19, 1:59 PM
you were perfect
you have the sexiest pleasure face
Sassy Feb 19, 1:59 PM
But brainless can be good… 
means i am not second-guessing or over-thinking… 
just feeling, enjoying
Tim Feb 19, 2:00 PM
it is the thing i treasure most when i think back
Sassy Feb 19, 2:00 PM
My face?
Tim Feb 19, 2:00 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 2:00 PM
Or using Gigi on me?
John Henry likes being inside…
Tim Feb 19, 2:01 PM
just being able to be us is the sexiest thing of all
yes he does
Sassy Feb 19, 2:01 PM
I need to tell you a secret
Tim Feb 19, 2:01 PM
i like the whole picture
what is your secret
Sassy Feb 19, 2:01 PM
I bought a Hillary action figure
Tim Feb 19, 2:02 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 2:02 PM
It makes me smile
Tim Feb 19, 2:02 PM
i so wish she won
Sassy Feb 19, 2:02 PM
Feb 19, 2:02 PM
why do men fear a strong woman?
Sassy Feb 19, 2:03 PM
would be so different
In many ways, she is me
I took it very personally
Tim Feb 19, 2:03 PM
yup, but may be impeachment will bring someone much better
 Elizabeth Warren?

Sassy Feb 19, 2:03 PM
They can’t have her! She’s ours!
Tim Feb 19, 2:04 PM
i think many secure men think the same way
i want to hug you so much right now
Sassy Feb 19, 2:05 PM
I saw the figure on sale and kept looking at it and giggling and decided I had to have it.
Partly for the history of it…
I never buy stuff like that, or much for myself
Tim Feb 19, 2:05 PM
i have a sigmund freud action figure
Sassy Feb 19, 2:05 PM
Oh my!
I’ve seen those
Tim Feb 19, 2:05 PM
got it in london at his last office/museum
Sassy Feb 19, 2:05 PM
Does it have a cigar?
Tim Feb 19, 2:05 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 2:05 PM
Hee hee
Tim Feb 19, 2:07 PM
helps me to talk to him when i deal with a difficult day
and i see the same with you and hillary
can we pledge to always be friends first!
Sassy Feb 19, 2:07 PM
I’d like that
First friends… then what? FWB?
Never mind… don’t need labels
Tim Feb 19, 2:07 PM
talk about everything on our minds
Sassy Feb 19, 2:08 PM
That way there be dragons!
Yep… so strange and wonderful not to filter
Tim Feb 19, 2:08 PM
care about each other and just talk when we need to just talk
Sassy Feb 19, 2:08 PM
How did you get so smart about all this emo stuff?
Tim Feb 19, 2:09 PM
i know that we are exploring our bodies, but lets also attend our minds
i am a hopeless romantic, i need it all
and you are so special
Sassy Feb 19, 2:10 PM
It does make things much more satisfying
Tim Feb 19, 2:10 PM
you still there
didnt see your response
Sassy Feb 19, 2:10 PM
Tim Feb 19, 2:11 PM
it does
so how is the community project going? 
something we both love
Sassy Feb 19, 2:11 PM
Rolling along… big event Friday
Tim Feb 19, 2:12 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 2:12 PM
Tim Feb 19, 2:12 PM
oh, I read about people doing that years ago
Sassy Feb 19, 2:12 PM
It’s wacky
Tim Feb 19, 2:12 PM
It’s awesome
Sassy Feb 19, 2:13 PM
Hope everyone thinks so
Tim Feb 19, 2:13 PM
maybe i should try to attend, or would that be too weird
Sassy Feb 19, 2:13 PM
That would be great, if you can swing it
I’ll email you the details
Tim Feb 19, 2:14 PM
i would like that
may be we could hug in the dark
Sassy Feb 19, 2:15 PM
Tim Feb 19, 2:15 PM
is your hubby going to be there?
Sassy Feb 19, 2:15 PM
He’s working on something else for later in the year
Tim Feb 19, 2:16 PM
just read the times, but where 

Sassy Feb 19, 2:16 PM
Tim Feb 19, 2:16 PM
In a big space? 
Sassy Feb 19, 2:16 PM
Tim Feb 19, 2:16 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 2:16 PM
closer to the date?
Tim Feb 19, 2:17 PM
Sassy Feb 19, 2:17 PM
I will get you in for free. 🙂
Tim Feb 19, 2:17 PM
sorry if i was a nudge
Sassy Feb 19, 2:17 PM
no worries
Tim Feb 19, 2:17 PM
ill repay you in favors
Sassy Feb 19, 2:17 PM
Tim Feb 19, 2:18 PM
i have to go, but can you chat monday evening?
Sassy Feb 19, 2:18 PM
Should be around
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Don’t think about my boobs too much
Tim Feb 19, 2:19 PM
and we can look at calendars and meet again
Sassy Feb 19, 2:19 PM
Mwah mwah mwah
Tim Feb 19, 2:20 PM
i always think of your boobs
and how i can turn you on
but you know they turn me on
Sassy Feb 19, 2:20 PM
Mmm hmmm
Tim Feb 19, 2:21 PM
until then, kisses, hugs and friendship
Sassy Feb 19, 2:21 PM
Long hug with a big ass grope!


From: Sassy

To: TimmyTim
Date: Sun Feb 19, 2017 at 9:17 PM
Subject: Sunday night

Hiya T! Hope the rest of your Sunday went well.

It was marvelous to chat! I am thinking over so many things you said! Though I must say now that I have met you in person, chatting seems like such a pale substitute for being with you! It is definitely better than nothing but makes me want to touch you and see your smile and hear you talk!

The rest of my day has been quiet. Ordinarily, I would’ve been out somewhere enjoying the weather and a nice meal somewhere, but with Hubby’s leg so bad, I have to stay around here and try to keep him seated.

I took a nap for a couple of hours, ordered dinner delivered from a Mexican/Korean fusion place in Allston called Olitoki and chatted with avgal pal and my younger sister. And thought of you!

Here’s to time together to explore… mmm…


Action Figure

February 19, 2017 Sunday

8:20 AM Sassy
Good morning kid!

8:34 AM Phil
Good morning!

[photo of his dog]

8:37 AM Sassy
You have a very cute doggy.

8:38 AM Phil
Yup, was giving me the evil eye

8:39 AM Sassy
What was your crime?

8:39 AM Phil
Taking his picture. He’s not a fan

2:28 PM Sassy

Who has two thumbs and her very own HRC action figure? 

This gal! ME! Because it made me smile.
8:49 PM Sassy

Foodler brought me this beautiful “packed bowl” with bulgoki from Olitoki in Allston! It’s a Korean/Mexican fusion place

Postcoital mush brain

February 18, 2017 Saturday

From: Sassy 
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sat, Feb 18, 2017 9:11 AM
Subject: Saturday signs 
Good morning T!  Hope you’re having a super Saturday!  I am feeling energetic, getting things done around here and keeping Hubby seated so his leg heals. 🙂  

And smiling… looking at my bed and remembering… mmm… 
Big hugs with butt grabs and fierce kissing! 
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Sat Feb 18, 2017 at 10:41 PM
RE: Saturday signs
My brain is still mush! You were awesome! 

Crazy day.  I have some time tomorrow around noon, will write then 
God, you were so sexy! I don’t think John Henry is ever going to be the same!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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Meet #2 Trainer in my bed

February 17, 2017 Friday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Fri Feb 17, 2017 at 6:08 AM
Subject: Can’t Believe It’s Friday Already!
It’s FRIDAY! Once we are up, we can get up, if ya know what I mean! 😉
I will send a quick email as I get on your street at about 10 so you can meet me at the garage. If you want me to call at that point, just send me your number, but I understand if you don’t want me to call!
I am so excited to see you! And John Henry can’t wait to meet Gigi!
Until then, hugs with subtle erotic undertones!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy 
To: TimmyTim
Date: Fri Feb 17, 2017 at 6:10 AM
Re: Can’t Believe It’s Friday Already!
Happy Friday T!  
Can’t wait to see you!  And touch you.  And taste you…

Here’s my sassy number [redacted]
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Meet #2

I got up and showered and picked up things around my place, hiding anything that had my name or Hubby’s name on them! I tried on my new black leggings and patterned top, to see if they fit. They looked so good I decided to wear them! This is my first-ever set of leggings! It feels like going out in my pajamas or gym clothes, but everyone does it these days so I will enjoy being comfortable too!

I was ready early so I logged in to my work email and paid one more person on payroll.

Tim called as he turned the corner onto my street, about 10:15 am! I was in the elevator heading to the garage when he called again to ask how to get the garage door open. I scurried to meet him and open it.

He had trouble fitting his big mini-van into my little parking spot. I tried to explain the trick but he couldn’t do it, so I offered to do it for him and he let me! I was wicked nervous but managed to thread the needle as it were and drive straight in on the first try! Phew!

I handed him his keys and phone, then locked it up and got out. He gave me a big hug and a quick kiss. He looked so business-y in his tweed jacket, Oxford button-down shirt with a monogram pocket and khakis slacks!

We strolled to the elevator and I gave him a big hug and kiss there. He seemed surprised and pleased.

He asked to use the bathroom, so I guided him through the condo, into my bedroom and to the master bath. He shut the door. I smiled and thought of Kris and our discussions of whether to leave the door open, closed or locked. Heh.

He rushed out of the bathroom and gathered me up in his arms! He has the best way of making me feel wanted. We had a long hug with lots of groping and playful kisses. He encouraged me to open my eyes so he could see my “beautiful blue.” I put my hands on his face, then ran my fingers in his long, straight soft hair.

He asked if he could see my toys, so I pulled the big bag out from under my desk, got my favorites out of the bedside table drawer and yanked the battery charger out of my bathroom with extra batteries. We explored and giggled our way through the little bullets and big bullets, the magic wand and the three ring circus that undulates, vibrates and lights up! The nine-inch stunt cock came out of its box – that’s good for giving men insecurity and does nothing for me – and the tiny pink keychain rabbit that is incredibly powerful. I even showed him the butt plug still in its package! We ended with my current favorite, the Lelo Gigi 2. I explained the controls and he played with that a bit while I stored the rest of them. He said he had played with a few toys in between marriages but the second wife has no interest in them.

He asked if we could lie on the bed. I eagerly flattened out and we cuddled side-by-side. He rubbed on my new leggings. Another advantage – he could play between my legs and I could really feel it! Much better than jeans! Ha! He noticed and smiled, said he liked these new fangled pants!

He asked if he could take my leggings off. They disappeared along with my panties! He kissed his way down my belly then went right on down to my lower lips and sucked on my clit. Oh my… my hips popped up to greet his tongue and I started trembling. He is so talented! I held his head while he teased and tasted me. I started to shake and he moved back up to kiss me and hug me, but kept playing using his finger, and I held tight to him and squeaked as I soared in pleasure!

He pulled a condom from his pants pocket and I helped him roll it on, leaving that cute tip at the end to be filled later. I tried to back up against him and get him inside me but we weren’t having any luck today. Not sure why. He said he has been studying the website with various positions and wanted me to try the reverse cowgirl! I crawled over him and faced away and shimmied around, but we couldn’t make that work either.

So he turned me over and pulled my legs up for a deck chair position and slid inside. Oh yes… that worked! He pounded me and I watched his face. He asked me to feed him a breast so I gave him the left one to suck on. That combo is fantastic!

He burst out with various cheers, “This feels SO GOOD!” “I adore being inside you!” “You are so beautiful!” It is lovely when a man in the heat of passion can muster the brain power to say lovely things, especially with all the blood having rushed lower. I have an interesting reaction of pleasure and disbelief. Need to get over the second part…

I talked to him, encouraging him to give it all to me, to feel my muscles pulse around him, to fill me up… do it do it do it. He kept going, lying on me until I could barely breathe, but then finally relaxed and filled the condom. He got the most amazing smile on his face!

He collapsed next to me and patted his shoulder. “Head here…” he whispered. I cuddled up beside him and put my head on his shoulder and reveled in the afterglow. Ahhh….

I listened as he talked about his sister’s death from cancer. So unfair. He asked me about how I ended up buying a condo so I told him that story. I told him about my sister who smoked and how a hypnotist helped her stop cold turkey!

I rolled over on my tummy to rest a moment, but he followed, pressing his entire body over mine. He put his cock between my legs and slid between my thighs, adoring my smooth skin and how it cupped him. I wondered if he thought he was inside me, but let him do his thing for awhile.

He rolled off and asked if he could watch me play with the Gigi 2. I told him I don’t do much and it would be boring but he said he wanted to learn from what I do, maybe do some things to enhance my playing, so I went along. He watched as I pressed the vibrator against my clit and moved it back and forth. After a little while, he took it from me and repeated my motions, with some added up and down motion that made me even hotter! That was a first!

He set Gigi aside and straddled my chest, pressing his gorgeous cock between my breasts. He slid back and forth, while I held them around him. His smile was so sweet! He went faster and then asked if he could come on my tummy. I said Absolutely! And he did! That was another first! It is so fun to watch his cock jerk and spurt! And feel the hot white cum flow on my skin.

We went into the bathroom together. He took a quick shower while I cleaned up my tummy with some wipes.

He gave me a long hug and a kiss, then it was time to throw our clothes back on.

I walked him out to his car and opened the garage door to let him drive out.

Hubby rolled in as he rolled out and they waved at each other. Heh. That’s always a little strange but harmless. Thank goodness we have our understanding so it’s no big deal.

I watched Tim’s car disappear into the distance, then went upstairs with Hubby.

What an amazing date! I adore this man!

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Fri Feb 17, 2017 at 10:58 PM
Subject: Mellow me
Hiya hot stuff! 
Hope you got home easily!  
Thank you for everything.  
Made me so mellow and smiley!  🙂 

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First leggings

February 17, 2017 Friday

8:36 AM Sassy
Happy Friday!

9:51 AM Sassy
My first ever leggings! And a new top! Feel so hip! 

[photo of me in my mirror with black leggings on]

11:31 AM Phil
Happy Friday!
Been one busy week but a long weekend coming up. Whoo Hoo!

1:55 PM Sassy
I had a meet this morning. Mellow now!

1:56 PM Phil
Cool! Enjoy your mellow 😛

2:33 PM Sassy
You heading to the beach?

3:28 PM Phil
No, drive out and about tomorrow, maybe take the bike out, a little gym time

3:35 PM Sassy
Ever meet that top military brass who turned down Trump’s offer?

3:38 PM Phil
No, I don’t spend much time with that part of things but hear he is a good guy. Would have been good at the job.

3:45 PM Sassy
Too bad they wouldn’t let him do it his way

3:54 PM Phil
Yeah, he would have been good

4:36 PM Phil
Qualified, respected and honest.
Not exactly the political way

4:38 PM Sassy
Sad but true.

7:55 PM Sassy
Another busy Friday night at my place.

[photo of me lying on the couch with a cat splayed across my chest]
11:17 PM Sassy

The academic research explanations seem iffy, but it’s interesting to see that thinking about the first one is a thing.


Why we never really get over that first love

“…it’s not just about the other person. It’s about who we were at that time,” he says. “We’re relishing the image of ourselves. They give us license to be the person we were once again – young and vibrant and beautiful.””

Can’t wait to hold you

February 16, 2017 Thursday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Thu Feb 16, 2017 at 6:03 AM
Subject: Thursday already!
It’s Thursday, only one more day! Thursdays are usually easy days! Just got to get up one more morning before we meet!
Don’t forget to let me know your plans for tomorrow! Can’t wait to hold you in my arms!
Hugs with heavy petting!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:35 AM
Re: Thursday already! 

Good morning T!  
Sending you some spooning this morning.  Naked, touching, tight together…mmmm
Just have to get thru the payroll and it’s long weekend time!  
Hubby says he can go out tomorrow, so plan to be here!  And play!  
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Thu Feb 16, 2017 at 2:46 PM
Re: Thursday already!
What great news! I will be there, I should be there at 10!  Could you resend the directions.  I do delete my old emails for security reasons.
Spooning sounds like a great way to start!
Might you be free this evening to chat or phone?
Hugs with happiness,
Take care,
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:49 PM 
Re: Thursday already! 
Hiya T!
Here are the directions again.  
Should be an easy drive that time of day. So excited!  
I should be around tonight.  Mwah!

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Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android