A long back rub

February 11, 2017 Saturday
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Sat Feb 11, 2017 at 1:28 PM
Subject: Saturday
How are you this wintery Saturday morn? Just finished snow blowing and it’s clean the house weekend!
Hope you slept in and are all snuggly! Thinking of you in your warm bed!
Hope to hear from you today! I look forward to your notes! Maybe even a nice story for John Henry!
Hugs with some nuzzling!
Take care,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sat Feb 11, 2017 at 8:54 PM
Re: Saturday
Hiya T!  
I had a very quiet day… couldn’t seem to get my brain around much.  I did make chicken noodle soup for the first time!  It was bland despite me adding a bunch of garlic, but nice on a winter evening.  
Do you do your own taxes? I wrote to a tax accountant my sister recommended to see if she can help with Mom’s final return and mine.  I need an expert to hand everything over to.   I had been using TaxAct online but Mom dying and leaving me stuff in 2016 tossed me into a very different situation. 
Did you get any moments with John Henry today?  Gigi and I had a lovely half hour thinking about you in my bed.  I saw a photo on tumblr that reminded me of John Henry and that helped me imagine a winter day with you under my blue comforter, naked, close, telling me stories, touching me and me touching you until we can’t focus on anything but the pleasure.  My tongue twitches thinking of the magic I could do with it!  Partnered with my hands… your body might feel things you haven’t felt in a long while! 
I need to look at the weather, figure out whether the community project folks can meet tomorrow or not… 
A long back rub for you… that turns into a front rub and more! 

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