Winnie and Eeyore

January 30, 2017 Monday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 6:10 AM
Subject: It’s Monday
It’s Monday! I know you hate Mondays, but think how much better this Monday is from last because we have met! and without Monday, we would never have Friday! So pick your head up, go to work and this could even be a better week!
John Henry and I did not need tumblr, just memories of our Friday! What tumblr sites did you visit? Can’t wait til we meet again!
Hugs, naked with kisses!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 8:17 AM
Re: It’s Monday
Good morning hot stuff!
You are so cheerful! Thanks for sending it my way! 
I found an anecdote – put in a couple of hours work last night so I’m ahead of the curve.  We’ll see if it matters.  
My tumblr journey started with skincast then moved over to sheersgreat for inspiration.  It mostly came from you, though.
Into the fray!  Onward and upward!  Have a marvelous Monday sweet one.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 6:53 PM 
Re: It’s Monday
Hiya T!  
How was your Monday?  Hope it was better than mine.  Boss pounced on me at 9:05 am wanting three more things, when I already had no idea how I’d get done what I needed to do.  No lunch today!  But I got through it, smiling whenever I had a break, thinking of the twinkle in your eye and your hands and your mouth and John Henry!  So so good! I want to do all that again, and also do other things.  How will we choose?!  I don’t expect to have that long every time.  
I’ve ordered Thai food delivered for dinner.  I adore their shrimp tempura!   
I may have to sign you up for the “A.Word.Day” emails.  They’re doing Yiddish words this week, and one of my favorites – verklempt – showed up today!  
Hugs without hitting a ticklish spot! 
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Monday, January 30, 2017 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: It’s Monday
Had a tough day too! My department head is a tool (can women be tools? Don’t know about the nature of women since Trump’s election), and she stormed out of a meeting so they want me to patch that up with the client. Talk about a rock and a hard place (no, not that type of hard!). I think I smoothed that over, but now I have a pile of other work.  So I may be a little quieter until  Thursday when I’ll be back to my wordy, poetry filled emails! I just feel swamped now! We need a night to chat!
Had Chinese food tonight! That stuff is the best. But I’m now hungry again!
I have been thinking of Friday a lot, with smiles and an erection! You said session two will be even better, don’t know how that could be since you are awesome!😜
So tomorrow should be that much easier if today was that sucky! (Is sucky even a real word?) did you tell your classics friend say anything about me? Don’t know why I care except that she knows Latin! Silly I guess! 
Can’t wait to go down on you again! You are more tasty than a large helping of General Gao! I got some good ideas for the second meeting. What plans would you have? (And don’t leave out any details)
Hope you can write one more time before you go to bed! Especially if you have a racy story! Or pictures!
Hugs with a lot of breast play!
Take care,

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 9:20 PM
Re: It’s Monday
Hiya Tim! 
So sorry to hear your day had its strange woman boss thing too!  How bizarre… hope tomorrow is better for both of us! 
I told my friend that I try not to expect much so I don’t get disappointed, but you seem like a keeper!  I haven’t said that before.  
I have very little brain this evening… feel like Winnie the Pooh for sure.  I am not up to spinning a big sexy story.  Maybe tomorrow!  I definitely want there to be one.  I definitely want to explore your back side next time… from your shoulders to the back of your knees!  
I scrolled through my photos looking for something to send.  Here’s the face photo I would’ve sent if you’d asked for one.  Hope it would not have sent you running screaming!  It was taken in 2012. My hair was still growing out but otherwise I think I look the same. 
Sweet sexy dreams!  
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 9:36 PM
Re: It’s Monday
You might be Winnie, but I got some Eeyore goin’ on here! That picture would not have me running away, only to!
Have a good night sleep, think we could both use a good night. Remember that today was only one day, but tomorrows are limitless. So we will have a great day tomorrow!
Keep smiling and the sun will come up and out for us! It’s going to be a great day, otherwise the win!
Sleep sound,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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