January 15, 2017 Sunday
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Sun, Jan 15 at 4:56 PM
Subject: We are communicating!
Congratulations on being a cancer survivor! I know it takes strength, determination and a lot of hardship! My sister lost her battle just last year, and she always said, “Don’t go with regrets!” May I ask you what type of cancer?
So I guess, with that intro, I will answer question number 3 first. I am a “nothing at home, need/want/crave something” (ok, I expanded it it a bit). My first wife died when I was young with small children. So after a few years I married my best friend. She was great with my kids and I taught hers and it was a perfect match at the time. We are still best friends, watched the game last night, high-fived, yelled at the TV, just like if I were with one of the guys. But our News Years Resolution is not to keep the basement so messy! I really wanted something along the lines of trying every position in the “Congress of Animals” from the Kama Sutra! So I am living with my best friend and need more – I need a lover, a woman I can touch! (in all the right places)
My introduction to Ashley Madison is somewhat ironic. I was reading an article about a town that did not want a billboard put up by Ashley Madison. The town thought it was awful, and if they could save one soul, it would be worth it. Well, I joined right up! Oh Boy, could we teach them a thing or two! I am behind the ball with social media, so please excuse any faux pas.
Last question (which was really the first); i use the list ice breaker in class and on this site to get to know where people’s’ “heads are”? Having taught for years and years and …. I can gauge where people are by how they answer those ice breakers (psychology courses helped, so glad I stayed awake!) One can never be too sure about a person’s psyche when they are contacting you AM. Some are just out for the hunt and will never meet, others out to avenge their ex, etc. So by asking a simple question, they will frame it in their own terms. So if a woman answers with lines from a Jimmy Buffet or Neil Diamond song as “likes”, I know that they are not going to be real. If a woman lists that having coke after oral is a “like”, then you just got too much information. Gives me some insight. So, let’s wait until we meet! I do think that you are real, and….
Which brings my to the last question. You snuck a fourth question in “if you decide to meet me” Brilliantly tricky! I would love to continue our conversation and maybe use Yahoo chat? You are a very interesting woman and I do want to explore this with you more… even meet when you are ready!
Now my quick questions for you:
1. The first one from above is optional.
2. Have you met anyone on AM yet? (all juicy details. if any)
3. Any advice you would pass on from the sexy blog?
Well I wrote way to much, and it’s not even funny….sorry! I enjoyed your last email and I can’t wait to hear from you again! Think about chatting on Yahoo!
Take care (and hugs with groping and coping a quick feel),
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sun, Jan 15 at 9:24 PM
Re: We are communicating!
Hiya Tim!
Oh what a juicy message! I want to dig in all over the place and tell stories and answer questions and… I will try to keep it shorter than novella length.
I will answer your first question first. I had breast cancer. I was lucky – found it early, had fantastic doctors at MGH, amazing community support, and was able work most days. It sounds trite, but I took it one day at a time, tried not to let the “what ifs” get to me and just dealt with what I had to deal with each day. I am whole and healthy and don’t think about it much anymore except when someone else is diagnosed and asks for advice. I often wonder why I survived and so many other amazing women do not. I’m so sorry it got your sister!
Thank you for explaining about your wife and the sex situation. Sounds familiar, both in its similarity to mine and because I hear it so often from men. Would your wife be upset if she discovered you cheat?
Too funny that you found AM through news meant to steer you away from it. Was that before the great data breach or after? Have you met anyone from AM? or stepped out otherwise?
My likes/dislikes list is ready… a very interesting exercise! I wonder what it will tell you. Hope it says things that make you want to know more. It was a bit tricky to write because I have two sides… the demure business lady and the Sassy Girl… but I managed to give hints of both.
I have met AM men. Some great, some awful, some nice but just not for me… I enjoyed getting to know each one. More on that later. Let me say a little more about my journey.
My husband stopped touching me a long time ago. I figured that part of my life was over. And to be honest, that was fine, as sex was something I did to make men happy. I could live without it. Then an old flame from high school found me after 35 years. We dated when I was 14 and he was 16, which amounted to sitting together at lunch and kissing under the stairs at school for three weeks before he ditched me for another girl. When he contacted me I remembered his name and that he dumped me and not much else. He remembered an amazing chemistry and wanted to see if we could reignite it. I figured he’d never touch frumpy old married me. He talked me into flying to D.C. to see him. It was the best 40 hours of my life. He resurrected me sexually, taught me that I could participate and made it clear what I had been missing all my life! I set out to learn all I could about my body, sex, toys, porn and cheating safely. Sadly, he was married and military and miles away, so he encouraged me to find local options. Some friends who were using AM convinced me to put together a profile. I bet them no one would answer. I was wrong. 🙂
You are doing most of things that Riff Dawg recommended in his blog –
- be yourself,
- say enough but not too much so she doesn’t have a lot to disagree with,
- make her laugh,
- be confident,
- say what you want (not what you don’t want) and
- focus on fun!
I’d be happy to chat. Ping me when it is safe for you.
Hugs with groping! And an ear nibble… just because.
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