December 21, 2016 Wednesday
8:02AM Sassy
Good morning! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!
8:28AM Phil
Good morning! Back at ya
3:23PM Sassy
Ah.. the things an Executor has to do! For those of you keeping track at home, I’ve completed the 221st task to close out my mom’s estate! The estate tax forms went to the estate lawyer today. There are only about 10 more items to deal with in the new year. Phew.
3:23PM Sassy
Ah.. the things an Executor has to do! For those of you keeping track at home, I’ve completed the 221st task to close out my mom’s estate! The estate tax forms went to the estate lawyer today. There are only about 10 more items to deal with in the new year. Phew.
6:54PM Sassy
Dinner at Jimmy’s Steer House in Arlington. Of course, I got the fish. 🙂