November 1, 2016 Tuesday
From: Brett
To: Sassy
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 10:17 PM
Subject: RE: Sassy day
Still busy…my project at work has lots to keep me busy. Boss hasn’t been too bad lately but still making some odd decisions.
I didn’t really do anything special for Halloween, what a party pooper I am!
Anyway, I’ve decided to take Friday afternoon off. Hope you might be able to join me, but if you can’t, I’ll have to settle for something a little less sassy.
From: Sassy
To: Brett
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: Sassy day
Hiya Brett! Are you watching the World Series? Wow… it is something!
Friday! Yay! I should be able to make it. What time are you thinking? Do you have time for lunch?
I made a reservation. So great to have this to look forward to and get me through the week!
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