NHMan remembers

October 31, 2016 Monday

From: Sassy
To: NHMan
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 9:43 PM
Subject: Re Hey!
Hiya T, 
Hope your week got off to a good start.  
Aha… so this is about more than stories?  😉
Hubby says he can scram for awhile Thursday night, so drive around to my garage door and I’ll plan to let you in to park about 5:30 pm?  Let me know if you need the address again. Mwah!
From: NHMan
To: Sassy
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 9:49 PM
Subject: Re Hey!
I think I remember the building but send the address anyway. I may be getting senile. You never know. 
We could just sit and tell stories but I don’t think we would last very long before we started groping each other 😜
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: NHMan
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 9:53 PM
Subject: Re Hey!
[My street address] – will that get you here? 
No senile!  no no no
Mmmm…. groping.  Do you remember my chest? 
From: NHMan
To: Sassy
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 10:17 PM
Subject: Re Hey!

How could I forget😋. 
How are they doing?
No more treatment needed I hope!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: NHMan
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 10:23 PM
Subject: Re Hey!
Awww… You can check them out yourself. 
I remember your talented hands. 
Had my final 5 year check-up last Thursday.  All clear.  
Only have to go once a year from here on.  So relieved! 
From: NHMan
To: Sassy
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 10:30 PM
Subject: Re Hey!
That is spectacular news. Best of luck with that. 
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Sassy
To: NHMan
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 10:38 PM
Subject: Re Hey!
Your body holding it together?  
From: NHMan
To: Sassy
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 10:43 PM
Subject: Re Hey
I will always be half a cripple. 
I just started taking a yoga class. Good to work on flexibility issues. 
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: NHMan
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016, 10:50 PM
Subject: Re Hey!
Oh dear… sorry to hear that T!  Hope something helps.  My older sister and her beau are big into yoga – taking classes, going on retreats.  They say it does great things for their bad backs, knees, hips etc. 
I’d better get some sleep… hope you have sweet sexy dreams!

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