That day

September 8, 2016 Thursday
From: Usual Man
To: Sassy
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 6:16 AM
Re: Connection
My eyes are light blue.  
     My real name is is not Jim but you can whisper that or anything in my ear!  I’m glad you are not put off by my job. When I tell people about some of the cases we get, they say “I saw that on TV!” I think they get their ideas from our case files!
     Anyway, we lost our office manager a few months ago and her replacement was a disaster! You sound like someone we would have hired! 
     I’m going to New York today for some 9/11 Memorial stuff. I’m back on Sunday but I’ll have my phone with me . I don’t want to miss any of your messages!!
     Do you like foot massages? I like giving them! I love working right up the calves and thighs as well! 

From: Usual Man
To: Sassy
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 8:20 AM
Re: Connection
Hi Sassy,

     I’m at my desk top.  I really prefer this to typing on my phone.  And I’ve had my coffee so I’m more awake!  I was disappointed that I didn’t hear back from you last night.  I thought maybe once you knew I was a cop you might be turned off.  There’s a lot of people who don’t like us these days!  
     I was stoked when I got your message this morning.  I thought about you yesterday, as well.  I’m starting to wonder what you look like.  What color are your eyes, is your hair light or dark?  Is it long or short?  Sometimes I can look at people at tell if they’re generally happy people or not so happy.  I think if I saw you I could tell right away that you’re one of the happy people!  I’m the anomaly.  Some people say I’m intimidating but I’m really a teddy bear that loves to have a good time!
    It’s freezing in the office here which makes me want to ask you how you’d like to be warmed up if you were cold?  I would probably begin with some vigorous hugging before using some other techniques to get your heart racing!  Do you like have your neck kissed?  XXOO
From: Sassy
To: Usual Man
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 11:04 AM
Re: Connection
Good morning!  
Woohoo!  This feels like a big step.  I know it’s silly but… here we are.  In private email.  Mmm… I could send you sexy gifs.  😉
I am definitely real.  Are you still running into fem bots on AM?
Have a great day!  Mwah!
From: Usual Man
To: Sassy
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 11:15 AM
Re: Connection
Hi Sass,
     Not too many bots anymore! I just delete the ones from out of town. California, Australia, D.C. Etc. If this works out with you I’ll delete my profile.
     I’d love to see your pictures. I only have a couple but I could take a few. You could tell me what poses you’d like to see!! No Speedo’s!! Ha ha!
     You didn’t answer my question about massages! Lol!
     Don’t work too hard! I’m picturing me hugging you from behind with my arms around your chest!! XXOOO!!
From: Sassy
To: Usual Man
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 11:06 PM
Subject: That day
Hiya hot stuff, 
Wow!  Three messages!  So wonderful to have so many of your words.  

Sorry I was off the grid.  Today was my birthday, so I slept late, let my sister spoil me at lunch, heard from a bunch of friends all afternoon, and then Hubby took me out for supper and here I am!  Your messages made it extra-special.  I feel like a teenager – “a man is writing to me!  Whee!”  Thank you.  
Light blue eyes eh?  Hope I get to stare into them… and wink!  I don’t know any police people so I am not put off – I have nothing to go by.  I look forward to learning more.  Sorry to hear about your office manager – hope they improve over time.  I like to think my combination of organizational skills and nice personality make me ideal for my job.  
Hope the trip to NYC goes well.  What will you be doing?  Hard to believe it’s been 15 years since 9/11/01.  I hope that day can start to be “history” that we learn from, and stop to remember, but not the gaping wound it’s been. Amazing to see the new buildings and the great things being done in memory of those who died.  Where were you on the day? 
Here’s my 9/11 story.  I had a broken foot, so I was taking a cab to work downtown, got in late, receptionist said, “Did you hear a plane hit the World Trade Center?”  She was always saying odd things.  I waved and wondered how that could be worth bringing up.  I sat at my desk and my husband called, “Come home right now!”  WTF?  I just got there.  He started babbling about the end of the world and planes out of Boston… I told him I would check on things and get back to him.  I tried CNN, NY Times, Boston Globe… nothing was working.  Hmmm… weird.  Reuters?  It worked.  Holy crap.  Not an accident… now the Pentagon?  WHAT?  My boss came in to ask me to “use that internet thing” to tell her what was happening.  I told her what I knew… and we saw the tower fall… looked out the window at the airport, sitting in a big office tower.  I had never seen fear on her face but there it was.  She said she was going to see the big boss.  This work place NEVER closed… I mean never… not during Hurricane Gloria, not during winter storms… the boss came down and said the mayor had ordered an evacuation and we were closing at 11 am!  Wow!  
I hobbled to the curb… no cabs.  Argh.  Then one pulled up to drop someone off and I hopped in.  The guy said no, he was going home to hug his kids.  I pointed at my foot, said I could not get home without him, I’d give him a huge tip… please?!  He took me home.  He was Lebanese, very worried about how people might be mean to him.  I said there are a lot of good people in the world and maybe this will bring them out.  
Hubby and I were glued to the TV.  I kept thinking if I kept watching it would start to make sense?  It never has.  We got on the internet, helped our friends in NYC find each other, helped friends stuck all over connect to their families.  About 6 pm our minister called, said she was opening the church for anyone who wanted to pray and sing and hug… could we come?  We went… there ended up being over 100 of us… church people, neighbors, strangers from out of town stuck here… it was a powerful gathering. Reminded me there are good people.  
I’ve read a lot about that day, watched the documentary made by the French brothers on PBS, visited the sites… I ran the memorial observations at work the next two years.   Always searching for the why… feeling the pain so deep.  Then I saw a one-act play called “Happy 9/11.”  It was a radical thing.. about celebrating that we survived, that there has not been another event like it, that we can remember and grow.   It helped me gain some perspective.  Hope that doesn’t sound too wacky!  
Three other stories that move me: 
1) My favorite celebrity story is from Yo Yo Ma, the cellist.  He was stuck in Phoenix, ended up taking a bus home to Boston.  He got out at every stop, set up his cello and played. People listened and hugged him, and gave him quarters and dollar bills.  
2) The other story I heard much later was about Danny Lewin, the head of Akamai, the big computer company, an Israeli-American and probably the first guy the terrorists killed on one of the planes headed to tower.  A steward from American Airlines texted, said they had killed the guy in seat #9B for trying to interfere, and that was his seat.  Everyone who knew him said they weren’t surprised he would’ve tried to do something.  
3) My real estate agent was coming home from Europe that day, got grounded in Canada.  She organized a bus to bring 40 people home to Boston and they were some of the last people to get across the border.  She’s a “make it happen” lady!  
Sorry… I get carried away on this topic!  Tell me your stories if you can.  
I do like foot massages… the chemo unit at Mass General had a massage therapist on staff who would do it during infusions.  Such a treat!  I am rather ticklish, so it takes a certain finesse… but moving up sounds delightful!  I like doing them too… send me a photo of your naked feet?  I’ll send you my best feature.  
My eyes are bright blue.  My hair is silver and long and soft.  Lots to grab while we’re… um… mmm… geez… I get lost in thought sometimes.  People call me “Smiley” sometimes… I do look happy most of the time!  My sister says every person “wears a shirt” that you can see if you really look.  She says mine reads, “Tell me and I will fix it!”  Ha!  I am a big, buxom, curvy gal.  Teddy bear eh?  That sounds great!  
I like colder spaces.  My co-workers complain and grab sweaters, but it has to be very cold before I notice.  I do like to have a man stand behind me… maybe in front of a mirror so I can see you, cuddle up nice and close so I can… ah.. feel my effect on your body while you wrap your arms around me and fill your hands with my chest!  Very interesting that you were thinking the same sort of thing!!
I’d better stop before this turns into a novel… if you’ve read this far, thanks, and sleep well!  Be safe in the big city.  

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