July 13, 2016 Wednesday
8:55AM Sassy
Good morning!
9:18AM Phil
Good morning! Teleworking today which is always nice.
Looked at my phone to find multiple messages from The Beach Gal. Just a “how goes it” but out of the blue. I knew it was coming, I felt it and then there it was. Before I opened the message, I knew who it was from. Weird.
Hope your day is grand!
9:44AM Sassy
Wow! Hope she’s okay.
Did you see the bear photo Sis posted on my wall? There was a bear strolling the streets in our hometown!
9:56AM Phil
I saw that bear! Holy cow!
Well the Beach Gal has a new better job that she loves. She commented that life was hard for her but she was doing ok. The husband is not the sharpest rock and his illiterate brother lives with them and it’s an issue. I’d like nothing more than for her to wake up happy every single day but she suffers from depression and anxiety and she drinks too much with the meds she takes and I have little doubt cocaine is still a part of her life. I will always love her to death and I will help if I can but not much I can do about this one.
How was your dinner with Kris? I hope it was a pleasant thing.
A bear in the street in town, what would we have done if we had seen that?
1:11PM Sassy
Wow! Interesting that Kris and now The Beach Gal are back in touch. Good that she can say she’s okay and thought to tell you.
I wonder where the bears live around home? Couldn’t believe the Google car photographed the church nearby with a funeral going on!
1:12PM Sassy
Kris and I had a grand time. It was so great to catch up on his news over dinner, then roll around a hotel room for five hours!
I was surprised how I am not fretting about whether or not I see him again. I had 11 questions I wanted him to answer, and he worked most of it into conversation. I only had to actually ask two things! He seems mostly over his mid-life crisis.
1:15PM Sassy
I asked why he appeared after all this time?
He was thinking of marrying his gf after about a year with her, so he told her why he got divorced (bought the motorcycle on the sly, then caught cheating with me). She seemed fine with that at the time. Two days later she called to say she didn’t want to see him again.
He figured if he was in trouble for being with me, he might as well be with me! But I haven’t heard a word from him since. Which is fine.
1:36PM Phil
Wow! I’m glad you enjoyed the time anyway. Quite the story! I’m sure I have not heard the last of The Beach Gal but I have no desire to go back there in any way. Took me a long time to be right again and I’m pretty happy where I am.
1:41PM Sassy
Yeah… sad but likely for the best. I don’t want to get back on the roller coaster with Kris either. I do like to hear his news now and then but I hope I can stick that.