April 26, 2016 Tuesday
8:04AM Sassy
Good morning kid! Have a super Tuesday!
2:56PM Sassy
You know that thing where you learn all sorts of nifty stuff about a person after they die? Yup.
2:56PM Sassy
You know that thing where you learn all sorts of nifty stuff about a person after they die? Yup.
A Playlist Of The Best Songs Prince Wrote For Other Peoplehttp://www.vocativ.com/312035/a-playlist-of-the-best-songs-prince-wrote-for-other-people
7:51PM Sassy
Of all the Prince bits showing up, this is the one sticking with me. He plays a great gag and it astonished me how “wrong” he looks in “normal” clothes.
See Prince Appear On TODAY (In Disguise) For Bryant Gumbel’s Last Day
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