April 6, 2016 Wednesday
8:39PM Sassy
8:39PM Sassy
Have you seen this? Beer marmalade! Could be good!
Spreadable Beer
“A Scottish craft brewery has developed “spreadable beer,” a marmalade flavored with oak-aged pale ale. To go with it, Innes&Gunn is also selling a marmalade-flavored pale ale.”
8:40PM Sassy
A former pastor of mine wrote a blog post about my friend who just died and me. She knew her at church.
9:07PM Phil
How nice!
9:10PM Sassy
Can’t tell you how odd it is to be written about that way…
9:12PM Sassy
Do you remember the older lady [name redacted] who always sat alone in the back row in church at home? My friend was a lot like her… feisty character, never married, deep faith
Do you remember the older lady [name redacted] who always sat alone in the back row in church at home? My friend was a lot like her… feisty character, never married, deep faith
9:33 PM Phil
I do remember her
9:33PM Sassy
Ah… Church characters
9:34PM Phil
Always plenty of those
9:35PM Sassy
The pastor just wrote to me, “I wish I had been there with you through this. I didn’t say this in the blog, but I really do admire what you did and I know it wasn’t easy.”
Heady stuff
Heady stuff
After the current pastor was so shitty to me, it’s so reassuring to know another pastor thinks well of me!