It’s raining men

August 26, 2015 Wednesday

What is going on?  When it rains, it pours!

I swear when I write to one man on Ashley Madison, the site posts my profile somewhere more men see it and all of sudden I am hearing from another man, and another man… so after a 5 month drought, I am flooded with messages.

Philip is away, 10-minute man is writing every day, and work is nuts?  Not the best time for more.  So of course, a new fellow wrote to me last night!  That’s the third one this month with CT Man and 10-minute man.

I am not in the mood to talk with yet another guy but there was something about his profile and his first message… he is about my age, 6″ 200 pounds, never smoked, about an hour away, anything goes, writes well, no typos and put in a lot of info I would usually ask about.  And he read my profile!  He seems… kind.  And polite.  And smart.  And lonely.  You know I want to help!  : )


Date:  Aug 25th – 11:01pm
From:  Mister_C

Sassy, I read your profile and I’m intrigued enough to follow up. I think I fit your profile and just squeak in at 6′ in height. Sounds like we both need a little bit of being nice to each other. Being from the western burbs means a little travel, but if we’re a fit this would just add a little to the adventure. Check out my profile and if you think we might be a fit, message me back. Hell, message me back anyway, I’d be interested to hear about your experiences on AM. What do you think about the AM big data breach? Hope to hear from you soon. Mister_C


Date:  Aug 26th – 1:07pm
From:  Sassy
Hiya MC! Thanks for your sweet message and for writing such an informative profile! And for reading my words. What brings you to AM at this point in your life? How did you hear about it? AM can be fascinating, frustrating and lots of fun! Is the data breach worrying you? Several friends on AM are fretting about being outed, so I am reading a lot about it and try to keep them calm. I am sad it happened to hurt folks who are just trying to live life and find others in the same boat. I keep my philandering adventures separate from my “real life” – the only thing exposed is my mischief email, so I feel mostly protected. Many things you said resonate with me. Certainly seems like we should explore further! Feel free to ask me what you’d like to know to figure out if we’ll click. Hugs with groping! -Sassy
Date:  Aug 26th – 11:11pm
From:  Mister_C
Access to Private Showcase Attached. Please click the “key” icon.


He sent me two photos!  He’s cute.  Great smile!  And he has hair!  I searched Google Images to see if he’d used public photos published somewhere else, but nothing came up.  Smart man.  

Date:  Aug 26th – 11:11pm
From:  Mister_C
Sassy, What brings me to AM? I joined fairly recently, about a year ago. An unfulfilled marriage leaves a part of my life empty and I want to fill some of that void while I have something to give. (BTW…I’m always amazed at what I’m willing to say in the anonymity of the web). I’m not even sure how I heard about AM, perhaps I saw an AD in NYC, or on the web. I’m not too worried about the data breach. I used a prepaid credit card, no name on it and also have a separate email. I don’t live where I said, I work there so I think that adds another level of protection. I did try to leave the marriage a few years ago but it was clear it would have been too emotionally taxing on the spouse so I ended up staying. We did marriage counseling, but nothing is really fixed and I can’t leave her in the lurch. What is your situation? I love a wide variety of restaurants, although I must admit that Indian is not my favorite. Wow, you’re at hugs with groping already. You move fast. I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep up with you. Do you prefer continuing the messaging, or chat? I can do both but I really prefer face to face meetings. You can tell so much more looking directly into someones eyes and we could have much more revealing discussion. Do you work? How much time would you envision spending together should we decide we click? I’m not interested in upsetting the apple cart at home, so there are obvious limitations to avoid suspicion. Hope to hear from you soon! MC


Awww… he sounds so nice!  I was so tired I couldn’t write an answer, so I went to bed smiling and planning to write tomorrow.

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