August 19, 2015 Wednesday
Date: Aug 19th – 5:09pm
From: 10-Minute Man
To: Sassy
A little (or a lot) of unhinging is in order….next week would be sweet to meet!
Date: Aug 19th – 8:48pm
From: Sassy
To: 10-Minute Man
Hiya Handsome! Thank you for that wonderful thought. I must beg your patience. Sadly, next week is looking overwhelming for me at work – running two big conferences. If you can wait until the weekend or the week of Sept. 1, you will get a much sassier Sassy. Please do not take this as stalling or whatnot… you just happened on my craziest week of the year. If you want to email or chat a bit more online as you wait, we can try that. If not, let’s plan for and dream of a salacious September!