August 6, 2015 Thursday
I try to wait for a man to write first after a meet. Ideally, they leave me and in an hour or so write to thank me and say something… but not this guy. I didn’t really want to hear from him any further but silence is so… crappy.
There was no response Tuesday evening.. then nothing all day Wednesday. I cut him some slack for being in meetings. Then nothing Wednesday evening. Hmm… staying with friends or driving home. Okay. Nothing Thursday morning. *sigh
I caved and wrote him Thursday afternoon. I wanted to be done and move along.
From: Sassy
To: CT Man
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2015 2:41 PM
Subject: Thursday thanks
Hiya Paul,
Great to meet you on Tuesday night! Thanks for popping out and taking a chance on me. It was fun learning about your interesting adventures.
From: CT Man
To: Sassy
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2015 3:08 PM
Re: Thursday thanks
Hi, it was fun chatting with you too, impressed with your charity work … P
Okay then! Onward!