October 20, 2014 Monday
Hiya kid! Hope your week is off to a good start. Kris took me out for breakfast to tell me good bye. Again. Luckily, I have a meet set up for tomorrow with the new guy. Whee!
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On! He’s so cute.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On! He’s so cute.
4:27pm Philip
Good for you. Time to let him figure himself out. He already has too much on his mind
Good for you. Time to let him figure himself out. He already has too much on his mind
It feels final this time, and in certain ways, that is a relief.
PhilipYou can’t fix him or his problems and he has no clue what he wants at this point. You were not in love and hoping for a future with him so let him figure his life out. I am figuring this out sort of. I can’t fix Beach Gal. I can’t change her mind and I’m no longer sure I want to. I can’t change my wife. She will always be exactly what she is and I need to accept that or not. Fred has issues but many pluses. We all have issues, comes down to if you can live with the issues
Trying a new restaurant delivery service. First delivery fee is free. They have a number of places I haven’t seen on other services.
Trying a new restaurant delivery service. First delivery fee is free. They have a number of places I haven’t seen on other services.